Tales from a "Schizophrenic" Mind - Chapter Four - Introduction to a New World

in #schizophrenia8 years ago (edited)

Chapter Four - Introduction to a New World

Here I will attempt to give a general overview of the different spiritual realms, and how they work. This is based on my spiritual experiences – which are still ongoing – over the past ten years or so. Briefly, what we are are spiritual beings experiencing a physical life. Just because we are currently living a physical life does not mean the spiritual life no longer exists, but from my understanding this is partially based on the age of your spirit or soul as to whether you are full in-body or not in your physical life.

A discussion about what happens when someone dies. Apparently there is a choice given when someone enters the "tunnel" and/or "death realm" that they continue with what they "have been" in this life or return to their previous "spiritual existence", almost immediately "assimilating" that most recent life experience into their often vast spiritual experience over the "eons." This choice apparently has something to do with the ability and/or wish to "let go" of the current life (ie were they ready to die etc). If a person chooses to remain "as they are" it is often a choice later to "merge" with their "elder" spiritual self, but this is rarely done once the decision is made, as a person has the feeling of wanting to "continue to exist" as they are, without "rejoining" the elder and/or "spirit” that was “behind" your physical life.

As to the different spiritual planes, there are four to my understanding: the material plane(s), the astral plane(s), the real plane, and the ethereal plane. This is on top of the physical plane, where we are living out our physical lives, typically without remembering our previous spiritual existence.

The material planes tended to be my first experiences, so I will talk about them first. I am told the material plane was created some 14.4 billion years ago, or just prior to the last Big Bang in the physical universe. The material planes are a “simpler” plane than the other planes, in that they were not created by the Creator per-say but are created via “frequency generators” typically on a local planet, Nibiru being the most infamous. From what I'm told, Satan (The Satan, who I know of as a “Craig”, or one of his physical lives) is the originator of the material planes for the direct purpose of taking control of creation from God the Creator. I will mention that the Bible and/or Book of Mormon (I can't remember where) says that Satan cannot have a physical life on Earth, but I am told that since the 1950's (or the incoming of the planet Nibiru) this is no longer the case and I have come across several of his physical lives, one of which I know personally. He loves to think of himself as a “social engineer” and on the outside it can be difficult to tell that he is actually evil. I should mention that there is always hope that a physical life (or spirit thereof) will go against it's elder spirit (or Satan in this case), but I have found this to be a relatively rare situation. An obligatory quote, “Thou art worse than the Devil, thou shalt be called Satan.” One of the main uses of the material planes appears to be in “stealing” material (ie subatomic particles) from the physical plane through what I know of as a “material transfer.” The other major use appears to be in studying different spirit body types, and “copying” current spirits living their physical lives. The material planes appear to be divided up into different “density” levels, with the 2nd density being a flat plane, the 3rd density being the first “real” plane, and the 4th, 5th, and sometimes 6th densities rounding them off. It appears that every ten years or so, a new 3rd density plane is “copied” (starting with an “expanded” 2nd density) from the physical plane, and the current 3rd, 4th and 5th are “bumped up” with the now 6th density plane being deleted and the material from it being used for different purposes. When this happens the spirits that are “copied” from the physical plane then have a “child-like” (around 12 yrs old) version of themselves in the new 3rd material plane. From my understanding, the world would be a better – more simple place – without the material planes, but they are apparently troublesome to remove totally.

The following is my understanding of how the “material” planes work for a said individual. From my experiences, the “conscious mind” or Id is on the same plane of existence as the spiritual body on the 3rd “density.” The “subconscious” mind and/or “Ego” is in what I would call the “4th density”, although this may be somewhat “flexible” in that a “5th density” may be used. Similarly for a “spirit” on the 4th density their “conscious mind” resides in the same plane of existence (IE the “4th density”) as their mind/body, but their “subconscious” and/or “Ego” resides in what I would call the “5th density”, and so forth up the “density” levels.

From my understanding, above the “5th material density” level the “spiritual planes” are typically still referred to as “astral planes” which from my understanding is an “older” – but still much better – way for the spirits to live their spiritual lives. It is a little confusing to me when going beyond the “5th density” into the “astral realms” as this is still a new experience for me, but from my understanding the “spiritual levels” continue up like this to the point of which some authors call the “God Head” and/or “one source” depending on who you listen to.

If anyone remembers the term “astral plane” and/or astral travel. From my understanding this was the previous “spiritual” experience that was common throughout “creation.” My current experience of the “material planes” is that it is a relatively new “spiritual” experience where it would seem the “spirits” have a greater amount of “power/control” over people who are trying to peaceably live their lives on the “physical” plane. From my understanding this “new” form of spiritual experience has been largely “planned” by the would be rulers (Satan for instance) and they somehow got their “hands” on enough “understanding” of how creation works in order to effectively give themselves a better chance of creating a new “slave race.” This time however instead of creating a slave race on the “physical plane” (as before, ie with genetic manipulation on multiple “hominid” forms) they are creating them on both the “physical” AND “spiritual” planes, in essence using the “spirits” in effect to help “take over” their “physical life” (where we are supposed to have amnesia, and be relatively unaffected by spiritual beings (be they “good” or “bad”). From my understanding, the “old rules” of spirits being in the astral plane (when they weren't in their “physical” bodies) they were in essence NOT ALLOWED to overly affect anyone attempting to live one of their – many lives – on the physical planes. These “rules” from my understanding were “set down” by the original “Creator” in order for the “children” of creation to “learn” and “grow” without being unduly affected by their spiritual brothers & sisters still in the spiritual plane. From my understanding (both from my “spiritual experiences” and research on the Internet”) the experiences had during the “physical” life are “stored” at the soul level, and when a specific “soul” is living a life on the “physical plane” it is not necessarily their “entire” soul, but a “fraction” which allows a specific “soul” and/or “spiritual/being” to live many lives (in some cases at the same “time”) in order to better gain knowledge/experience in a more efficient manner, rather than living lives in a “linear” fashion as time goes by.

The astral plane(s) from my understanding are the main spiritual planes where spirits live out their lives, and was the first spiritual plane to be created by The Creator some 40 million physical universes ago (many were shorter than 12 billion years). The evil controlling spirits in creation (IE The Devil, The Adversary, The Pretender, The Evil One, and Satan) do not fully understand the astral plane as yet, and thus continue to use the material planes for their evil plans. The astral planes tend to be separated into “realms” with the technicals (ie location, physical laws, ownership) being controlled by the spirit known as Persephone. A planet often has an astral version of itself, and in many cases several versions, so that even if a planet cannot sustain physical lives (as we are familiar with anyway), it may very well have spiritual life on it.

Now on the astral plane, for an individual “spirit” or entity, my understanding is that they start from a “lower level” complexity being, such as mineral/crystal, and gradually move up the evolutionary scale – while consciously choosing a desired “path” – to the point where the “subconscious” mind becomes useful as a mechanism to “automate” certain functions, such as breathing and the heartbeat for humans, etc.. So from my understanding when a life form at a certain point on the evolutionary scale (such as a plant or tree) is born, the “conscious mind” is based on pure experience with some “biases” inherited from the parents(s) (at least until a “spirit” takes on the body when it is “ready” and “mature” enough, IE after a couple months in the womb for humans), and from my understanding an “experienced” spirit can relatively easily adjust the conscious/subconscious mind to more readily reflect its previous experiences/personality in previous lives/existences. As this process of an evolutionary/creative journey for a soul continues the soul may sometimes (but not always) split (and/or fracture) into multiple lives that may exist at the same “time”, though not necessarily on the same plane of existence (ie on the 3rd/4th/5th densities and/or astral planes, etc). Some might term this as previous lives, though at the “spiritual planes” and/or levels/realms these experiences can be “beyond time” and/or at a different space/time “differential” at any rate (ie a spiritual plane/realm many live 1 year while during the same “time” only 1 day has passed on the “physical plane”). This is done in order for the spiritual/soul to gain “experience” in a more “efficient” manner rather than a “linear” experience with one life after another though I am not sure if it has always worked this way but appears to be the way it works in the current time period within “creation”. So even though the mind/body/soul on a certain “density” (ie the “material plane”) is going through a life experience, at the same time the attached “spirit” who would typically have direct access to the “subconscious mind” (IE with previous life experiences) is also having a concurrent experience on the “spiritual” plane (whether in “the body” or not) and both “experiences” would eventually be rejoined with the “whole” soul after the individual life experience(s) are completed.

The “Real” plane, appears to be a recent addition to the spiritual planes in Creation. It is in essence a direct copy of the physical plane, with the addition of some astral “realms” being converted to a “Real” version, such as some Hell realms for instance (not pleasant). This appears to have been done in the last 50 years or so, and is a direct result of the incoming planet Nibiru making a nuisance of themselves to Earth and The Creator. The “Real” plane is a “heavy” plane, with more physical material involved than the astral planes, and appears to be sort of a “backup” plane for the Creator. My experience with this plane is somewhat limited.

The Ethereal plane, from what I am told is the second plane created, after the astral plane, some 40 million physical universes ago. This spiritual plane tends to be more separate from the physical plane than the other spiritual planes, in that spirits live their lives without much interaction with any physical life they might have. I have noted some games on the Internet with a connection to the Ethereal plane. These games seem to be a method for the “evil controlling spirits” to study the Ethereal plane, for they as yet don't completely understand this plane and how it works. My experience with the Ethereal plane is again somewhat limited.

A discussion today, of DNA and the number of DNA “strands” a said person and/or spirit might have (spirit bodies use DNA in the spirit world as well as in the physical world). Apparently Jesus – in his life – had four DNA strands from what I am told. This might help explain the many miracles and healings he was able to do while he walked this earth. I am also told that his resurrected body had eight DNA strands (IE closer to a “God”), and after having recently read the Book of Mormon, I was told that when Jesus appeared to the Nephites in North America shortly after his death and crucifixion he had 12 DNA strands (IE in “God” form). Some other notable spirits, such as the “Zeus type” Gods apparently have four DNA strands, though this is in spirit body, and they presently are not allowed to walk the earth in the physical with more than 2 DNA strands (just like us). I am also told that a long time ago there were so-called “supermen” (and women) who had four DNA strands, but the knowledge of how to do this was lost in the spiritual worlds (though Jesus would likely still know).

Presently in Creation – from my limited understanding – it technically works through what are known as “control points” around a creators (and there are many) planet. On these control points can be placed what is known as a “control station” that operates at specific frequencies (so as not to interfere with other control stations), that have many functions in thus “controlling creation.” I would invite the reader to have a look at the book, “The Grid Of The Gods”, by Joseph P. Farrell if you wish to delve into this topic. Of the planets in our solar system, I am told six have control stations around them, and they are: Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

From my understanding, after nine “ages” in a specific (spiritual) “multi-universe” are completed a new “Creator” is given the task of developing new “rules” for the next “round” (IE a “new beginning”) which may entail specific “job roles” for that said universe (within a containing multi-universe). The old “Egyptian” God Anubis apparently has a function in this role of creating an “Anu” (or A New Beginning). Much of this is “beyond” me and I can say little about other “universes/multi-universes” because I don't technically “live there.” I have had glimpses of other “universes” composed of “anti-matter” (simply the polar “opposite” of our current universe) as well as the more rare “dark matter” universe (which apparently has some interesting “physical” characteristics”). As I have said before and like to repeat, “Creation is complex beyond what the human mind is meant to deal with”, but I feel at least somewhat blessed to at least had a “glimpse” of what is “beyond” this physical/material life we lead.

I have had numerous “experiences” with “spirits” somehow figuring out the unique “frequency” assigned to each “spirit/entity” within “Creation” (somewhat similar to the movie “The Matrix”, which the author David Icke likes to refer to as the “holographic universe”). One such experience is with a spiritual entity known as “Taz” who – for a time at least – possessed a large part of the world (he “took” a small part of the brain of most individuals on Earth). This “personality” (Taz) could conceivably be controlled through this knowledge of frequencies via “satellites” above Earth. These “ideas” necessarily lead down a “very dark path” and hopefully never come to fruition.” I should mention that the “frequency decoding” is not limited to the “spiritual” planes, but also applies to the “physical” planes, and I am not very fond of this concept, that someone might be able to “control me” (through subliminal suggestion mostly) via my unique “frequency.” Hopefully this does not “evolve” into a method of what may be referred to as a “complete” possession of a “conscious” mind, but I do not yet know what the future may bring.

Discussing the difference between your spirit(body) and your consciousness. A “consciousness” is in essence a “cloud” of sentient material. Most people I am told have a pea-sized consciousness located near the lower central portion of the brain. Depending on a spirits age, the consciousness can vary between a grain of rice to something larger than the body itself in size (for a very old spirit). The size of the consciousness is largely dependent on the experience and knowledge of a said spirit, and it is presently a “battle” over control of creation to give humans (and others) a limited sized consciousness. For example, a said person may have enough knowledge for a consciousness the size of their head, but is limited to a walnut sized consciousness. This is in comparison to someone's “spirit body” (of which you can have several, to put on one at a time) which “contains” your eternal spirit. I have seen evil spirits “draining” someone of their spirit before (by cutting off part of their spirit body) to supposedly “destroy” that person. I am still not sure of the technicals of what “spirit” is, but my understanding is it is a formless “cloud” at a unique “frequency” and is what defines “you.” Also, my understanding is that your spirit can be “restored” by an “elder spirit” if you happen to by “drained” by an evil spirit. You continue to “operate” apparently even without spirit as long as you have a “consciousness.” I am still working out the details of what spirit is, but I think you get the idea.

Of the spiritual “types” on Earth, about 1/3rd have a “human” type consciousness behind their physical lives, 1/4th world be considered of “angelic” origin, 1/5th have a “demonic” type (referred to as a “demon lord”, not a “full demon” which are more rare), about 1/7th of the planet have a “poltergeist” type spirit (typically a human type that has had too many spiritual deaths, as the earth is heavily beset by evil right now), about 1/10th have a “vampiric” type consciousness (who “drain” others to sustain themselves), and the rest are of other varying spirit types.

For some reason, the peoples currently existing on Earth appear to be a specific target at this time for total control, and I am not as yet sure why, but I think we as a society are quickly running out of time. I should mention that some very brave souls over the past century or so have been trying to reach/speak to us to warn of what is happening – for the most part in the spiritual planes, but not always – through different vehicles such as books, novels, movies, the Internet, etc. This agenda of complete control/takeover of the physical/spiritual beings on planet Earth has been a long time in the making, from my understanding, from before even the first “age” of this “creation.” Just after the last “New Beginning” (IE after 9 ages) at the “spiritual level.” An interesting corollary is the age old saying that cats have “nine lives” and the spirit/entity “Anubis” of Egyptian fame is somehow related to this. I should add that before every “New Beginning”, after the last nine ages (or so) before it, whatever “forbidden” knowledge was gained by the spirits during that period is placed within “Pandora's Box” to be then “opened” near the end of the current “eon”, perhaps coinciding with some type of dramatic – earth changes – and/or pole shift. The person/spirit who happens to open Pandora's Box (and there may be several) is apparently “forced” (at a spiritual level) to attempt to “take control” of the current “Creation” that was “created” (with certain “job positions” included) just prior to the last “New Beginning” which some might refer to as the current “Eon.” From my understanding there are spirits out there that have existed will beyond even one hundred ages, which I believe is a very, very long time, but most of this is beyond my complete comprehension. I should comment that the character “Eon”, who is depicted as a “vulture” in the famous “Rudolf The Red Nosed Reindeer” films suggests that after an “eon”, what is left over is then “renewed” in what is characterized as the “New Year's” boy “Happy” in the same movie of Christmas/New Year season. This has something to do with “Father Time” as well, or in essence the “ages” are only supposed to last so long via a “clock” of some type, which I have also “briefly” seen in my experiences. My understanding is that the current “age” (the “9th”?) is currently well behind schedule in “ending” and is being “held” because it is such a “mess” that the higher “creators” don't know what and/or how to save parts of the “spiritual realms/plane” before the next age begins. I believe this is somewhat related to what the Mayans refer to as the “long count” calendar but I am not sure.

Here I will speak about a brief, but I feel relatively significant experience. After waking up to a dream one morning, the first part being relatively normal (whether the “Sandman” was involved, I don't know), I saw a cartoon image of the “Tasmanian Devil” (Taz), famous to nearly anyone who has been a child, watching cartoons. “Taz” appeared to be conducting an “orchestra” and I saw what appeared to be a “wall” in front of me, being “divided” by what looked to be “magic.” Upon seeing this in a “waking dream” type state my “intuition/subconscious” feeling was of “great concern” that this “splitting process” needed to be stopped, or else I could be “badly hurt.” I attempted to then “lift” the cartoon character “Taz” out of the image (upward), and the process appeared to stop with me then waking up from the “waking dream” state. My later “revelations” upon asking my “higher self” and/or spiritual contacts is this “process” was a dividing of my conscious mind into two different personalities, one being “me” and the other being an artificially “installed” personality, being “controlled” presumably from another location. Perhaps “Kentucky” in the USA, but I don't know how or why. My impression was “Taz” is from a realm/place known as “cartoon land.” I suppose – via my intuition/subconscious – that it is within the realm of possibilities of someone being controlled by a programmed “entity” generated within a “supercomputer” (located in Kentucky?). If anyone has heard of the term “Manchurian Candidate”, I believe that the “agenda” is somewhat similar to what is being done here. In essence “installing” another separate personality into a spiritual being, for typically nefarious purposes.

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