My Hometown scenery - 家乡的风景

in #scenery8 years ago (edited)

A long time ago, there is no road, the life of local people is the main backer on these trees and bamboo forest, now these all to the individual, my family many people,Land is also much,Planted a lot of tea trees, fruit trees, trees on the mountains no one wants,Only bamboo shoots we dig every year, bamboo shoots do not need management,Do not need to fertilize, each year grow new bamboo shoots,Now the road and broadband are Internet to the home, very convenient, all things can By Taobao purchase, we planted agricultural products,have online shop hawker acquisition,Some landscape appreciation, my phone is not good

Now this season, many people go to the mountains to find Ganoderma lucidum, Ganoderma lucidum today I did not find, I find a mushroom,but do not know,I do not know can not eat, because never seen before

This is my chickens , at night in the beam to sleep, very smart

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