The Night Before Everything Went Dark

in #scarystory6 years ago


The horror story

The night wasn't like any other, it had this chill which passes through the body anytime you hear the thunder rumble. It was a rainy night, a stormy one.

Everyone were probably at home seating close to a fire or the lovers making love. But it's wasn't the same for little junior who was on his bed shivering.

It wasn't the rain or the cold that was the source of his shivering, it's was the hooded man whom he had seen downstairs with his parents.

Junior was six years old but he could tell when there was danger and that night what he had seen in his parents eyes as they looked towards the hooded man was way more worst than danger.

The sound of rain hitting his window and the thunder rumbling made every seem more like a horror movie but in this case, he was the lead character in it.

Junior laid still on his bed. He has never been this scared in his entire six years of being on planet earth. Then there was silence. Everything kinda became still for Junior and he became more afraid. The noise that was coming from downstairs was no longer there, he dared not to go find the reason for that.

And then he started hearing footsteps coming up the stairs. It kept coming closer, closer towards his room.

Then the door crept open and the hooded man walked in along with the bodies of Junior's parent, they were dead with blood all over them.

The hooded took a little of the blood and wrote something in the wall, he then his under the same bed Junior was on.


sacred little junior

Few minutes after Juniors eyes had settled with the darkness, he could now read what was written on the wall.

It was just four words.. "I KNOW YOUR AWAKE"

Word count = 307

This contest was organised by @julietisrael and you can find it here..

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