ScaredyCatGuide to Real Estate Investing – Part XVI – Tenant Proofing Your Home

In the last couple posts we went through closing on a property. Now that we own the property the next thing to do is get it rent ready.

If you missed the previous two posts – you can find them here:

Time to Close on Your Property
The Final Walk Through

Now let me be clear about something. There is a difference between getting a property rent ready and tenant proofing a property. The latter gets it ready for a tenant, but also helps to make it more durable for the wear and tear of tenants living in it.

Tenant Proofing Your Property

Let’s discuss actions you can take and the type of items you can use in your property to increase its durability, thus save money on replacing and redoing items every time you have tenant turnover.


  • Tile in kitchen, common areas and bathrooms
  • Laminate or Vinyl plank in bedrooms and 2nd floor if applicable

These are low maintenance durable flooring options that you will be able to keep on tenant turnover. Yes, the tile may need to be cleaned or you may need to replace a vinyl plank or two, but that’s usually it.

Success Note: Be sure to train your tenant about laminate. Laminate is not meant to be cleaned with water or have any kind of standing moisture. Liquid and laminate flooring are not friends.

With all that said about flooring, you still must know your market!

For instance – tile floor is common and desired in the southern states of America. In Florida, Georgia, etc. you will see tile as the norm, but in the Pacific Northwest that is not the case. Tile is not desirable in the states of Washington and Oregon for example. In that area carpet or original hardwood floors are desired and considered the norm.

So know your market and then find the most durable or cost effective options within that.


If carpet is what you need to put in your property then make the decision on whether it’s better to just put down cheap carpeting that you will replace on every tenant turnover or if you will pay top dollar for the stain resistant that you can hope to keep over the years.

Replacing Valves

A good practice is to replace all old or plastic water valves and shut offs. The plastic water valves not only break easily if abused, but many times don’t do a good job stopping water.

The last thing we need is a broken or non performing valve leading to a flooded bathroom when it easily could have been avoided.

Putting in the metal half turn valves is worth the cost for the peace of mind.


When it comes to paint neutral colors are best.

For walls a light beige type color is a safe play. I generally use a color called Navajo white.

There are several different paint enamels, satin is my choice, but eggshell works too.

For ceilings a white interior latex flat white paint gets the job done.

Door Stops

I know, this seems like something trivial we generally don’t think of.

Here is why we should though:

  • Avoids damaged dry wall (holes in wall, etc)
  • Damaged door knobs

If there is nothing to stop the door from hitting the wall or if the door stop is hanging on by a thread then you guessed it. The door knob is swinging straight for your wall.

Make sure all door stops are present, solid and installed securely.

Addition by Subtracting

These are a couple other items that so landlord will do to reduce the number of potential problems they can have. It’s difficult to do this on higher end rentals though as the items are expected, but I’ve seen it on lower priced rentals.

Removing Items Like:

  • Ceiling Fans
  • Garbage Disposal

The thought process is if these items are not needed to rent out the property then why have the potential cost of repair.

A disposal can be broken from tenants dropping things in it that don’t belong. Next thing you know you are paying to have it replaced.

Ceiling fans can begin to make noise or have the motor fail all together as opposed to a light fixture that just has a bulb. Again, the thinking is why potential pay to have ceiling fan replaced when it’s not needed.


These are decisions that each property owner can make for themselves. However, it’s good to be prudent where applicable to help mitigate your operating costs.

Mitchell J
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