ScaredyCatGuide Thinks He Can Teach People to Write a Book - Oy Vey!

So after a few months and dozens of distractions (read: posting and curating on steemit) the quest is complete. The real estate investing e-book is done and the lessons I learned along the way I can't help but share!


Some steps to actually finishing a book that is half way good!

Write something, anything everyday

This may sound simple or obvious, but trust me it's not. Especially on days when you are not in the mood to write. Every distraction will be a welcomed getaway until you have not written anything for the day.

I was guilty of this way too much. I did get some good steemit posts in from those moments, but that is not the point ;-)

One of the best things I ever heard about writing was this:

Write at least one bad page per day. Don't think about it just write, doesn't matter if its complete drivel.

Why this works is because within that drivel there will be one idea or one paragraph that is a gem to be used in the book.

Be sure to tell stories for your examples of things.

This is more so for non-fiction books as fiction books generally are a story in and of themselves. For non-fiction when teaching or describing something, use a story that directly relates to it or the experience.

Preferably stories directly from your own personal experience.

Get someone qualified to edit the book!

I don't care how good you think your grammar or proof reading skills are......they are not good enough. I fall into this trap of thinking I can do it. Then luckily a friend of mine gave a draft copy to his co-worker (professional editor) who is currently editing my book to shreds.

Now I just need to find someone to format it for Kindle and e-book publishing.

So much more!

There is so much more to writing a book, but those are a few personal lessons I wanted to share. Writing a book is an adventure whether you are creating a fictional story or not.

Thanks for the pic pixabay


Upvoted, followed.

I was horrible at written english in school, never been a good speller. I have written 3 non-fiction books, self-published and made about $400K selling about 11,000+ copies of them as Ebooks. They are no longer selling, thinking about revising and re-releasing and doing a new one as well. But right now I'm focused on my art and photography you can see it on here @nspart.

But my point is if I can write so can anyone else.

That's awesome. Congrats on the book sales.

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