My scam story, and how i was scammed for the First time. ~ Write Competition by @swissclive

in #scammers7 years ago (edited)

Yes, I have also been scammed, and I know how bad it feels when you notice it.

Scammers have always existed and will always exist. Learning to identify them, can save us and our pockets.

Today I'm going to tell you a little story that happened to me about 2 years ago.

I remember visiting a certain online casino called "", in which I knew a couple of people. I have never liked gambling at all, but I had fun talking to those people in the site chat.

Slowly I was meeting people, especially one of them. Little by little him was asking me for money. He started asking me for 1mbtc, which that was less than $1 time ago. After a few hours or less than a day, him used to return the borrowed money.

He kept asking me for more money, like 5mbtc, and returning the money to me a few hours / next day. We were like that for like three weeks. I always liked to help him and some others, since he paid back the money, and that made me trust him ( Plus him always used to act in a good way at me, in a sweet way that made me feel that him was a good friend )

Until the scammer showed me his true colors.

He asked me for like 50mbtc, I do not know how much money was that, but it was a pretty serious amount for sure.

Him used to return the money with some little benefits for me so.. I do not remember if him wanted to return me 60mbtc, or something similar. But I liked to help him, and he always returned the money so.. i thought: "why not?"

What do you think it happened?

I never saw that money again. We had many talks in the same chat, but him always avoided talking about it, or disappeared for a couple of days.

That thing it bothered me a lot, and maybe this will sound weird but, I was annoyed by the fact that I trusted him, whereas for him it was just a game. A game that him surely played with more than one, not just me.

So yeah guys, this has been my little story. I learned a lesson that day, and today I am much more careful. Especially with people from the internet.

Thanks to @swissclive for this writing competition.
Have a good day everyone!

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That’s a good warning to us all to avoid online friends who ask for money.

Thanks swiss! :)

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