My Scam Story: Welcome to Lagos!

in #scammers7 years ago (edited)


I read a comment where a guy pointed out that hardly will you see a Nigerian who hasn't had dealings with a scammer and I couldn't agree more.

Sadly, scammers abound in this part of the world, giving us a bad name and making it twice as hard for us innocent folks to be trusted.

My Scam Story Goes this Way

About six years ago, I was walking to my web design classes when a car slowed down beside me. I slowed my pace as well, wondering if the driver was someone I knew.

The back windscreen was wound down and on seeing the face, I knew I'd never met him.

"Excuse me, young lady, I was wondering if you could help me" it was a Reverend Father, and since I'm a very religious person (lol) I tuned in immediately, ready to help him any way I could.

He asked for directions to a certain place, but since I was also a stranger there, I, sadly, told him I didn't know the address.

He didn't take offence, but was instead impressed I'd been willing to assist him, a total stranger. He then proceeded to say for my good he would also do something nice for me and asked me to get into the car beside his driver.

Now, all the while he was asking for directions, another passer-by stopped and also felt moved to help. So when the Father asked me to get in, he ceased the opportunity and got in as well.

The Father turned to the guy and proceeded to reveal some things about him which turned out to be true. The guy was shocked and scared.

He then turned to me. He told me as I spoke he was given a vision for me by God. He said some evil people had carried out evil plans over me and I was marked for a terrible accident within three days.

The accident was meant to take my life, but if I was lucky, I would escape maimed; both my legs gone for life.

I became so scared upon hearing this vision but he assured me all would be well. All I needed was intense prayer to cancel the prophesy.

All the while he prophesied, the guy who got in with me kept exclaiming in shock and also urging the Father to see more visions about him.

This is where it gets interesting

Father said he was God-sent and for my 'pure' heart, he would go on a three-day dry fast to engage in a spiritual battle for my sake.

He said he needed to get certain items to be used in the battle. I asked what they were and he said it was better I didn't know as saying them aloud would neutralize their power.

He asked if I had any money on me so he could drive to get the items immediately. I replied in the negative but assured him I could get some money within 24 hours.

He agreed and I alighted, but not before giving me his number and reminding me that time was of the essence and I had just 24 hours to perform the counter-attack.

I sped home, my classes forgotten. Luckily my mom was home and on seeing how depressed I was, she followed me into the room. My big sister joined.

I wasted no time telling them how I'd been marked for death and had very limited time to wade it off. When I finished recounting, I expected my mom to give me whatever she had on her so I could speed back to Father, her reaction instead got me puzzled. She burst into laughter, doubling over. My sister joined.

"Did you hear what I just said, Mom? I asked, hurt she could react this way over my life-and-death situation.

"Yes, I heard you dear, " she replied. "But I'm laughing because I can't believe you could fall for that cheap scam. "

"It's not a scam o, "I replied."The man is a Reverend Father!

"Says who? " my sister chipped in, when she could finally control her laughter. "My dear, welcome to Lagos. "

I still wasn't conceived, not until my dad got to hear the story and also joined in the laughter. I'd obviously made their day with my story and how scared I was.

Needless to say, I called Father and gave him a good piece of my mind. Sometimes I cringe when I remember half the things I said to him. But on the other hand, I'm sure those things were enough to put the fear of God in him and make him turn a new leaf.


You were lucky to have come out without being duped. A neighbour of mine was "cleansed" of all her money and valuables as well. lol

Haha, I was lucky. Maybe I prayed well before leaving the house that day.

Fantastic and interesting story. You are very lucky to get away with broken pride. These men could have raped you. This story might be the winner.

Yay! I truly was lucky indeed. I guess God was with me and I sincerely hope my story wins.

Thanks for reading!

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