Scamming the scammers...The early days in SE Asia

in #scammers7 years ago

Scamming the scammer.

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I was very broke, and walking along kosarn road in - Bangkok.

I was waiting for my girlfriend at the time - to arrive in a few days. (with my money).

I was also very, very bored.

I got approached by this well spoken, well dressed guy , and he asked me about participating in some beer advert film shoot
I would get some money, free food and free beer, for my troubles.

Considering I had little food, no beer, no money, and was extremely bored - it took me all of 3 nanoseconds before I agreed to jump into taxi with him, and head off to meet his 'mum', who was the beer advert filmmaker.

I was completely lost where we were in Bangkok, but we eventually arrived at a house.

His 'mum' wasn't there when we arrived, so he gave me some food (very good food, btw) – and lot's of free beer, while we were waiting for her to arrive.

Which was fine with me.

Then his 'dad' arrived.

He just happened to be a croupier back from ...Singapore or Kuala Lumpur, or somewhere ( I can't really remember to be honest).

He then went on to show me his card tricks at the tables and how he scammed people with the said tricks.
(I wish I could remember what he did, because they were very slick - I know that - but it's all a bit hazy now)

This was all quite fun, so far, as I was still being fed lots of beer!

I had no money or my passport on, so wasn't worried about getting mugged – I was just trying to work out the scam – I knew by this time there must be one, I just wasn't sure what exactly- or how - seeing as had nothing on me to steal.. (organ donor did fleetingly cross my mind, but I was too drunk to be scared).

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Then they told me 'some guy' was coming to play cards soon (here we go, I thought), and the 'father' asked me if I wanted to make some money by playing, and scamming this rich dude who just happened to be arriving soon?

'Yeah, why not?' I said (still trying to work out the 'how'. The 'guy who just happened to turn up', was obviously in on the scam,). It must involve taking from me, but i had nothing - so how exactly was this going to pan out...?

....the guy arrived and they lent me some money to play with(we are talking $50/100 bets on the table.) The money looked real enough to me.).

We got to a final hand, and I didn't have enough money to match the guys bet, so I couldn't play - but I had next the the best hand. (of course i did..).

After explaining that I had none of my own money with me, to put down on the table. And I didn't have my ATM or credit cards on me, of course - I was just picked up off the street, after all.
(I was figuring it out by now, what the rub was).

So they give me $20 dollars to jump into a taxi back to my hotel, so then I could go to the ATM, and get out the $200 I needed to see the bet, and we would be rich (just as long as the other guy didn't happen to have the one other, better, hand. Yeah right...

'Cool,' I said 'I'll jump into a taxi (it was very near to a main road, I vaguely remember), and I'll be back withing the hour to take all this money off this guy....

I promptly jumped onto a bus, pocketed the $20, and carried on drinking when I got back to Kosarn road!
It was quite a fun day – and a relativity profitable!

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So I scammed the scammers!
(of course if it was a real scam on the rich guy - I walked away from $20,000 or so. lol)
...if it's too good to be true, it probably is...


Haha, that worked out well for you! It was a good job you had no money on you. I am very puzzled that they let you walk out with their money.

I’m off to Bangkok soon, so I will sure to spot this kind of free beer offer as a scam thanks to your blog.

Please don’t forget to comment other stories here. There’s lots to learn.

I am very puzzled that they let you walk out with their money.

...that one puzzled me a little. I suppose I sold them on my story.
(they had already invested several dollars in taxi's, beer and food, , and wouldn't want to scare me off...? I dunno..)

I was there (in the house) for a total of maybe 4 hour or maybe they thought had sold me.

Have you been to Bangkok before, btw?

😂 You are mad! The risks you take.... I must say my heart sank when “organs” came to your mind. I truly enjoy when you post your personal stories. Your life experiences are just incredible!

I never claimed sanity ! lol

The biggest risk was getting even more bored on kosarn rd. I hate being bored.
At least it was something to do!

I'm living a much quieter life now.... relatively speaking.

Hello @lucylin, I am going to nominate you tomorrow evening (Portugal time) to a sevendaybeerchallenge :) I was nominated today and will start posting tomorrow ! Get ready :P

A drinking beer, challenge?.....are you sure about this? lol.

I was born ready ( I love saying it, but it's so untrue!)

I did not say drinking 😂

awwwwww..... Muuuuuuuum.

It was definitely a scam and you did a good job, dude!

I was happy with the outcome!

I'm surprised the food they gave you wasn't drugged and then dumped your body in Chao Praya River

No money to be extracted that way! lol

I saw a farang girl drugged here a few months ago she was totally out of it on the street, luckily she had many people assisting her.

Sharks are everywhere, and a single girl in a foreign country is easy prey. (lot's are young and naive)

A crap state of affairs, but no less true.

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