The current scams of my country Venezuela

in #scammers7 years ago

Excellent initiative this contest @swissclive, since many people do not like to tell the unpleasant situations that have had to happen, either by fear or grief. But there is nothing better than telling all kinds of experience so that the stories do not repeat themselves and to be able to end the people who cheat others.



Thank God I have not been scammed, but I want to share an unpleasant story that several friends have gone through and it is the most common scam that my country is going through.

Situation in Venezuela.

Venezuela is not experiencing its best economic moment, and there is a great shortage of food, medicines, children's products and other things. The correct thing is for all of us, as human beings, to unite before such a situation to emerge victorious. But while some people are noble, others take advantage of the situation to do business without seeing the damage they cause.



What is bachaquero?

First I must define the following term: In Venezuela there are people who buy cheap products and then sell it much more expensive, here we say "bachaqueros" instead of resellers, since they are also liars.



The deception of corn flour.

One day, after going shopping in the market, my mom and I go on public transport and a sad lady gets up and, to let off steam, tells us what happened. had to buy corn flour (product to make arepas, typical food). the bachaqueros, since I was very hungry and I can not get it in stores. After the lady buys two flours, she goes home happy, but when she arrives she realizes that one of the flours was not flour, but sand. He said he felt a lot of helplessness, sadness, pain and that he had just returned to the market to see if he could get that person to return his money, but he had no luck. The lady cried and recommended that, if we are going to buy a product that way, we know it well and, if possible, we will verify it in front of the seller so as not to be deceived.



The filled toothpaste of cambur.

Another day the neighbor was talking to my mom about how I had to buy a toothpaste, a bachaquero, she checked and it seemed to be all tight and sealed, but when I returned home what was inside the base was cambur. They took the banana and made it as a paste to fill the tube. The lady was amazed at how there are people capable of doing such a bad act.



The children are innocent.

But the strongest case that touched hearts was that of a woman who could not find food for her three-year-old daughter. desperate I had to contact an unknown lady. to buy a milk that cost her a lot of money, but due to the desperation of giving her daughter food, she had to pay the amount. After the lady arrives at her house and goes to prepare food for her daughter, she realizes that it was not milk, but cement. Reason for which I present a crisis of nerves and despair. He filed the complaint with all the relevant authorities, but could not give a satisfactory answer to his situation.



Bitter cassava.

Last but not least, deaths from poisoning with bitter cassava. This time I will not judge a seller completely. It is true that these people sell a product that should be discarded, but I do not know, if they do not realize that the vegetable is not completely ready to harvest. If this were the case, these people have caused a lot of damage to several families, who, by not dying of hunger, buy vegetables and sell them in poor condition, causing the death of several people. The clinical center of Venezuela has conducted campaigns on how to distinguish a good cassava from a bad cassava, so that people take the necessary measures and denounce the people who sell this product or simply do not buy something bad.



It is real.

Many will say that I am exaggerating but unfortunately this is not the case, everything written here is true, and every day there are more cases of scams that occur in Venezuela. You can see in the news thousands of cases like this, alerting others to be cautious before any situation that may arise. I believe a lot in karma, and that there is a God who sees everything. I can only ask that we be more human in difficult situations and that we should reach out to each other instead of cheating others.

Every day there are thousands of people cheated in Venezuela. I have faith that the situation in my country will change. But first of all, I ask God to make us kind, humble and good-hearted people with the desire to help others not to use or cheat, since nobody knows the situation of the other. The change must be first in us.

Let's be the change that the world needs.


I always heard of the economic crisis in Venezuela on the news, but I never knew it was this bad.

I kind of understand what you're going through, as my country also has economic issues.

Don't despair.
One day the right leaders will emerge, and all this will become history.

Thanks for your comment. So it is, despite all the bad, I have faith that there are better times for my country. And for the world. We just have to be better.

Yes, it's all about being the change you want to see in the world.

thanks for sharingthese things so people can open their eyes and see the evil happening in this our society.

But sometimes i ask why some people gainjoy in causing grief for others. all i beleive is that all scammers bring upon their head curses that they dont know.

and to everyone reading my comments PLS BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL. Lets not give them a chance.

I do not understand how they can do wrong, if you are also human beings and have a family. I can only say that God will be just in his time with everyone. And wish them not to have greater evils.
one must desire good to get that back.

you are right dear... thanks for this post like @jacksondavies said "the right leaders will arise and all this pains will be a history."

don't loose hope

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