
The reply to these questions deserves it's own post, but I'll try to fit it here for now.
Yes, Bitcoin has value.
It's value is a combination of subjective and objective value. The subjective value is the people's desire to have bitcoin (meaning that the more people want it, the higher price you'll get when selling it). The objective value comes from it's usefulness, outside of speculation. Many companies have started to accept bitcoin payments instead of just cash & bank transfers. Different countries enable the use of bitcoin in different levels. In Asia Bitcoin is especially valuable (objectively) because you can actually do stuff with it, and not just trade it.
Steem doesn't have that.
Steem's value seems to be subjective only.
Try to guess what will happen if people stop blogging about how great STEEM is (for whatever reason).

I think one thing the Steemit founders were concerned when launching it was the agreement with exchanges to guarantee the conversion between STEEM/SBD to Bitcoin. Maybe they believe this atachment could be seen as the minimum value of this platform.

DogeCoin has that as well.
In fact it has had it for quite a while.
Would you say that DogeCoin is valuable?

// good point, btw.

One more thing.
Some people will say that STEEM has objective value.
They will say that it's objective value is the social platform itself.
To them I say - is a CRAPPY social platform!

What is good about steemIt?
However you look at it, it's only the fact that you get free money.
What is left if you take that away?
A crappy forum. I can make a similar one, in 1 day, with free technology (WordPress, phpBB, IPB, etc...).
I've been here for just over a week and already found a few bugs.

Another argument:
--> "But it's not the code that makes the social network. It's the people in it. SteemIt has the people."

Does it?
If you give money to make people blog, what kind of people will blog?
People who want that money, of course!
Without the money, non of the bloggers would've preferred this forum, over any other free forum.
In other words - SteemIt doesn't HAVE any users. It RENTS them.

I think blockchain has instrinsic objective values itself: immutability, descentralization (no owner) and censorship free. These factors made Bitcoin a trustful currency option and maybe Steemit creators believe it would work with content and social media too.

By blogging, we are technically "mining" Steem.
Problem is - mining is not a long-term thing.
Bitcoin is already on the slope of making mining less and less profitable by increasing the difficulty. If they didn't do that, they would have too much BTC on the market and this would lead to hyperinflation.

Sooner or later this will happen with Steem.
Steem will have 3 options:

  • Decrease the rewards
  • Decrease the new users, by asking for money upon registration
  • Collapse due to hyperinflation.

You would certainly benefit from actually reading the whitepaper and understand the concept. It is found in the drop-down menu on the upper right corner.

It's too long. Didn't read the whole thing. (I'm lazy now)
I skimmed through and didn't find anything that explains how they get actual, real money.

What do they sell, and to whom?
Explain it with 1 sentence, please.

You just said it: you're lazy.

I am not motivated to read 44 pages about a scam.
I just don't feel like I'll get anything out of reading it.

Once again.
Please just tell me.
What do they sell, and to whom?
If you actually have any theory, no matter how strange it sounds, it will actually be a motivation enough for me to read the manifesto.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 59051.02
ETH 2508.42
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.44