
Patterns of behavior on Polinex match patterns of behavior on known prior fraudulent exchanges and reserves.

I have noticed much the same! A sad factor in this is that the "normal person with money" has a job. I am fortunate enough to be self employed through the internet. So I have been able to keep a Poloniex tab open on my 2nd screen for the last 2 years and watch what goes on. I was there to witness many things in the wee hours of the night that many people miss, like the "dao hack" for example. Not everyone has the luxury of having free time to sit and observe these things. But thats part of what makes these scams so brilliant. There is millions of dollars involved in these schemes. They operate in such a way that they can hide behind laws and make it difficult to prove anything. This is one of the biggest cons to the crypto world. As a person that doesn't believe in much government regulation, I have to admit it has attracted some dark figures to the scene.

In a fair, open market of trade, the term 'fraud' is pretty much useless.

No, it isn't useless at all. Fraud is theft through deception. If a company lies about its server capacity and trade algorithms to people who have been told everything is operating in an aboveboard and honest manner, fraud has occurred. Legality is irrelevant.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 58551.10
ETH 2514.90
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.35