under every rock another lie, yet the roaches scuttle

in #scam5 years ago (edited)

i seem to be missing 100s of STEEMpower across accounts ...

its been a week now since i undelegated after koinbot called it quits, the SP came back two days ago ... on steemd it gives the right numbers , on dlease however im missing anywhere from 50 to 200 sp on any account ...

i mean its not new that this place is the biggest pile of straightfaced marketeers in history. Ever since i learned how the system actually worked. You paid a share "in the inflation" and all that ... and its perpetual (=lol) i couldnt take it very seriously, right, throw a bit of letfover copper at it at the end of the month and watch how EVERYONE simply ignores the inflation paradox (among other things ... without calling names or flashy words used : items in-game DE-value with each expansion pack, people want TIER-8 epic, not TIER-1 ... so ... but ...)

After koinbot gave in to the absurdity of the circus i had to do some digging, i mean, the game accounts dont delegate cos i want the game to get some love for its combined voting power, as for the rest : I WANT MY FUCKING MONEY BACK ... having spent 8x what i can afford by accident last month (dont ask me ... ive been slapping myself since) i want that even more, if i get even then whatever the smoke and mirrors going on doesnt matter but until that, as i dont have a few 100k falling from my pockets, IT DOES ...

and what do i find ? ... i already knew most of the bots dont come close to the ROI they promise on steembottracker and i already knew the people who run that site don't do quality control on whoever they list ... it seems now some promise more than before but give less, where it states up to 40% you easily get minus 40% ... and if that were that ? no
dlease pays less than it states 0.34 is NOT 0.35 .. isteemd still lists smartsteem on the top 3 but they stopped returning over a month ago , still states those are the average numbers over the last seven days , delegationhub still states you get 0.05 for 100sp delegated while in reality thats 0.018 or less ... so the numbers are not even calculated, they're just filled in lol

but none of that surprise me much, what does is WHERES MY FUCKING STEEMPOWER ? i can't delegate it, not on dlease, not on bottracker, it says not enough vests, HOWEVER, on steemd and anywhere, even the steemitwallet : it states the numbers i had ?

that's the american way then ? its got a dutch ring to it but their managers usually take it 'the american way' ...

one big lie ?

i wouldnt ... if i didnt make that 8x mistake ... i mean its hopeless if the inflation doesnt get fixed but is there ONE thing here that's not a lie now, and wheres my fucking steempower and why the fuck can i not use my own steempower

which i paid for

with HARD currency ... ?

'cuz peasant?'

the only possible conclusion at the moment is : DONT BUY .... really ... cos theres nothing i can do :)

heh, same thing all over on every account and it doesnt seem to 'balance' over time (that was the excuse last time, right?) and why would it if it says FIVE DAYS ...? ![Screenshot_2019-10-15_13-18-35.png]() ![Screenshot_2019-10-15_13-19-11.png]() ![Screenshot_2019-10-15_13-19-49.png]() ![Screenshot_2019-10-15_13-20-18.png]()

if its a general bug no one noticed so far, thats BAD

if its not and its just for 'all of MY accounts' thats WORSE ...

i need to some things happen here ... not affiliate-marketing but its a hostage situation b/c by now you're in SO deep you will HAVE TO sell our shit for us (and we'll make sure to dump it fast enough)
its been two years, the more money and especially effort i put into it the worse it's all gotten , and now THIS ?

i cant touch my own SP ? if its not there then it wont count for votes or curation either ...



These are your active delegations

This is your expiring delegations


You can use Steemworld to see for the other accounts. Steemd is useless apart from knowing whether you just posted or checking rc :) When you do pull your delegation on the other accounts the delegations return with interest. Happy hunting.

@penderis thanks but the numbers work out unless the steemitwallet itself is useless too , i have put in new delegations to find out, but on every account i am missing SP, sp that says in steemitwallet is there but its not and on the screenshots @sakhmet there are no outgoing delegations at all, everything should be in order
but its not
steemitwallet :

1,006.793 STEEM

(-898.532 STEEM)

equals 108.2 but it says 4 on dlease and even if i use the standard steembottracker ... (which all uses steemconnect) i can NOT delegate out more then 4
so some nodes are giving conflicting info but i know all that sp WAS delegated up until a week ago so its there ... or it WAS and it went, and im sure i didnt send it to /dev/null

just fyi ... i hope it will 'balance out' ...

i KNOW my active delegations but thanks for the reply

the thing is here, all the time and money put into it ... if it werent for last months €175 mistake i wouldnt even bother but now im a clown instead of coming to the circus to watch them 'believe'

i never been one for much hype or attention, ive been quietly on @goldmanmorgan and @tyrnannoght , helped out a bit wit a game or two and the api / cron for steemplayer , no fuss and i dont want any ... my own game was well over 50.000 lines of code last time i checked ... all things included morgan + tyr , the php + web + javascript/phaser for both + the cronjobs and the api ....

and thats all fine b/c i like doing that, well i used to, i try to find my like again

but i can not justify telling someone to get a steemitwallet if this is what happens and if the answer is 'more downvotes' while the upper scambags just GET MORE ?

i can not, maybe you can in the land of homer simpson but i cant do that ... i had NO LIFE when i found this thing, i was in a very dark place so i was vulnerable to false hope ... its just another lesson of how not a single human can be trusted

until proven otherwise ? no i will need LOTS of proof otherwise by now

so my life is where it was , its not like i wasted time b/c there was nothing to do that would get me anything i want

but it reinforces my views on most of humanity once more

... its pointless to withdraw at this stage im just gonna have to ride it out

(and they probably know that)

@penderis ive seen before that it was impossible to do anything with an account until VP turned back to 100% OR i powered up a chunk (which is atm really not an option heh) so maybe it will fix itself by then (but thats not what the manual says is it?)

i didnt sell my kids college fund so its not a global disaster (i dont have kids anyway) but ...

you know ....

thanks for the reply !!!

I will still read the above but quick note on the VP , post HF21 that has been fixed because people could powerdown or undelegate and still use full VP until the action is completed this now gets removed from your effective vests and the VP returns in a weakened state ( I think) If someone voted down to 50% then it returns at 50% etc. I can only assume RC would act the same. Mmm, I do wonder what the vote calc would be then since currently, I don't actually account for that I guess the chain gives that info across the 4 variables used to calculate effective vest.

its so bad i doubt most actual witnesses, say block-producers actually still know whats going on ... and i have no clue on the SP missing, i just know if i had exactly 1000 delegate out to koinbot, now i can do only 800-900 and thats , no matter how i look at it 100 or more short ... unacceptable actually and NOTHING i can do about that :)

'trust in the platform' as they say ... investors will need to find it and other clichés like that, im not even an investors, i can imagine if some money-shark looks at this it wont take long before they decide not to
not the way this goes ...
its more than just ...

the last lol i had was seeing a particular witness , lets call it block-producer , getting producer rewards while having less than 60SP staked ... i can leave the name out but its there ... (??!? so no one actually has any clue on what goes where?)
and more lol , like "downvoting is good" its not, its detrimental
and lol

if you can see the humour in that :) its a circus and it leave the people who believed in it to look like f....g clowns atm imo ...
im probably not gonna check back until at least tomorrow (and im already more than a month behind on replies ... the game is slacking, i find no motivation in empty pockets and trying harder or buying steem to see it sold off by those who need it least ... that has lost its charm)
im gonna need to see some results here or its gonna be nothing but casual drive-bys ... i probably keep track of the new delegations , i doubt there be anyone who would be as decent AND rewarding as koinbot was, never had one glitch and im amazed they held out for nearly a month after apocalypse 21(+) ... but it was bound to happen ever since ...
and revenue by delegation, as some would 'frown' ...? its steem that comes out of the pool anyway, if they dont give it to me they give it to them or i get it, mostly from voting and 'curation' (no one says censorship, no one even says up-voting anymore...) and i keep the game accounts without outgoing delegation but by now pretty much the only thing im interested in here

is getting my money back :) thanks for the interaction =--) see you around

and just for the record, in case you doubt my sanity or my way of finding my way around and some numbers :

@ anyone who would follow up or @penderis if you're still reading (no need to reply im gonna leave that here b/c im gonna get worked up over something i cant touch ... see when it fixes itself)
the screenshots are just that, no edits , steemworld states the same as steems as states the same as steemitwallet .. 108 sp left free ... tracker always leaves about 6.x when you 'delegate max' so 102 turns out im missing a whole lot of vests somewhere that were there on koinbot (and i doubt koinbot took em and sent em to NULL)
i shit thee not and pulling legs is something for people who arent too damaged to still have a sense of humour ... it's simply missing ... in action or wherever, its just not there (or anywhere i can see) and that's that ... see you around and fyi :) as i said in the post : if this is a bug no one noticed or bothered with that is BAD, but if its my accounts only ? thats worse

so ... unless its possible that some nodes hold different data than others for like more than 24 hours or maybe Ultimatt thinks we should all just be born in philly and "get off our asses instead of lying around" (not bad spoken for a block producer lol) ... well yea, pardon the sarc, its not like monsters gives much incentive to "buy steem" as they actually hold the steem themselves and delegate it to players from what little ive seen (much respect for the skills and the moneymaking skills but facts are what they are, yea)

and its not philly here btw, not even the land of opportunity where the leaders of the free world live and someone like Reagan can be persistent (and that other guy, euhm ... )

but i doubt i have the honour of being Ultimatt's chosen one and therefor attacked with blues-as-motivation (wouldnt work as im not john lee hooker ...)

the only thing i can see is the vest wont compute (not just on tracker) and dlease seems to show the right amount available BUT the right amount that WAS there is whats shown in steemwallet

if that is 'not an issue' ... then someone tell me why i stuck around here , and THAT (finally) is that
on the matter of this
before i start on the inflation paradox and the detriment of downvoting

good day to anyone

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