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RE: Scammers taking Advantage of Freedom Fighters

in #scam7 years ago (edited)

Wasn't sure what homeopathy was so I googled is dumb. lol

the treatment of disease by minute doses of natural substances that in a healthy person would produce symptoms of disease. thanks. lol


It's a huge scam industry, they run ads in radios and low watchcount TV channels to fool gullible old people.

It's essentially based on the placeboo effect, and they always have plausible deniability because the healing is always based on their BS + the client's faith. So when the client goes complaining to his consumer protection, they will just say that he didn't had enough faith, and get away with it.

After my initial shock of the sheer insanity of the definition alone, my second thought was placebo too. I always wondered if there is a way to magnify the placebo effect as a way to do some real healing--of course without scamming people out of their money.

Faith works wonders and its free too--at least if is suppose to be.

Well the placeboo could be a real thing by itself. I mean most ilnesses could be caused by stress for example, like high blood pressure and things like that. So if people believe they get better then stress could be lowered ,so some ilnesses could go away this way. That is how I would explain placeboo.

But like regrowing an amputated arm with homeopathy is just ludicrious. So for serious problems, there is no solution in faith.

But technology can fix that with high tech prosthetics and things like that/

The placebo effect is actually pretty amazing and complex. Research has supported the theory that it isn't necessarily all psychological--though nearly every system in the body is regulated and controlled by the brain. There are measurable physical effects in some cases.

There is also a nocebo effect were patients experience real side effects from a sugar pill just as if they took the real thing after being warned of the side effects.

In the past doctors would sometimes prescribe a placebo when they really insist on getting something because it would be more harmful to them if they didn't. The medication is called 'obecalp' which is placebo spelled backwards. lol

There are major ethical concerns in even trying to research it though. The AMA has a policy that they have to tell the patient that it is a placebo and that ruins the effect. Beyond that, there is a genetic component as well. Half of the world is completely non-responsive to placebos. Placebo effects are also usually short-term and not useful for chronic illness .

I do think there is something more profound going on like maybe the old cliche of mind over matter. Who knows, you might actually be able to regrow an arm if you could actually convince yourself 110% that it would work, but convincing yourself that way is nearly impossible. I can't prove it, but it is interesting anyway. lol

I do think there is something more profound going on like maybe the old cliche of mind over matter. Who knows, you might actually be able to regrow an arm if you could actually convince yourself 110% that it would work, but convincing yourself that way is nearly impossible. I can't prove it, but it is interesting anyway. lol

Yes but that would require like 100% control over your body which you don't have. Like you dont control your heartbeat, breathin, digesting and such....

So the human body is pretty "sandboxed", just like how in a computer the OS doesn't have control over the low level firmware of the processor, and things like that.

It's definitely not easy, but there have been monks that could actually stop their heart momentarily supposedly. They regularly slow it down through meditation though.

Even low level firmware can be hacked and manipulated. Like overflowing the right buffer with the right data and you can pretty much do as you please.

The brain's plasticity means there really is no 'hard wiring' that can't change just by thinking. In some ways it is easier than hacking firmware code. You can literally remove half your brain and the half that is left will take over all the functions of the half that was removed automatically in a few weeks. They will be essentially back to normal within say a year or so. We haven't scratched the surface yet of the wonders of the brain.

I don't know if this is entirely relevant, but check out this optical illusion on YT:

Before you do it, pause the video and look at the image at 4:50.

This illusion will affect you for months after you do it once FYI. It is no joke, it worked on me. lol

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