Explaining Scams and Legits in Details

in #scam5 years ago

Hello dear reader and reader, here is Filipe, CEO of Casimiro Designer once again.

Today I want to explain to you about the Scams and Legits.

When you hear talk about scams, you'll soon think of fake or malicious websites or platforms that steal your money after you invest a fortune. That's exactly it, and that's not exactly it either.

With 6 years experience in digital services and working with crypto coins, I've already lost $ 147 on fake websites even today. I think you're going to say it's not such a relevant value, but I can assure you that for a freelancer, $ 147 is a lot of money because sometimes it's a payment he gets from a client. Now imagine, work you had to win it, and then you lose it?

I think you've understood more or less where I want to go with that; but I will explain to you the scams and legits.

Let's go then:

Virtual currencies have completed 10 years in the market since they were invented, the largest of which is Bitcoin. And with those ten years, they became popular, and they viralized the world in such a way that many today are millionaires thanks to Satoshi Nakamoto, the founder of this incredible virtual currency.

And with that viralization of virtual currency, many have decided to create platforms to earn those coins, promoting links and websites, using digital incomes with traditional money, where you pay by buying a package that equals a value, and they release passive gains in bitcoin or whatever another virtual currency. But these platforms belong to people like us, trying to survive and win to one day be a millionaire, and with his havilidades decided to do this business, without having created a legalized company, and that is where the biggest problem comes in.

Every country in the world has laws, especially when it comes to working with finances, the case is more serious, documents are more rigid, because of fraud, money laundering, or terrorist financing and so on.

Knowing that you are going to use money, you must have legal documents that allow you to work with a financial company; and thousands of these platforms, they are only designed to make money without being registered, and knowing that virtual currencies are not accepted in all governments, because they are not centralized, causes that problem. Causing then, the paralysis and the closing of the platform, causing great damage, and what damages are these?

When a government discovers that it has an unresisting platform and allowed to use financial services as many sites do without legislative permission from their countries, those sites are forced to close, the owner is arrested, and conditioned to answer in court, and pay a fine heavy, and do away with everything he did.

Then what happens next? All the investors that invest in this site, if the access to the server of the site, their accounts no longer appear because the domain was forced to pay air, the money invested, stayed with them or retained by the government of that country, and many lose and they repent for the rest of their lives, and that's how they sneak up on the alerts that the sites are scmas.

So that's why this is often the case, and you, like me, must have spent your money, are not always scams, but rather are websites developed and providing financial services without legalization, causing immediate closure without notice to all investors, and return the amounts invested.

For today is everything, I wanted to talk to you, there are enough things to write, but not to prolong the post, I'm going to stop here, who wants to talk to me, I'm here, just leave a comment that I'm going to answer or you can send me an Email, for more details.

I leave here the reliable countries to include in their paltaforms: USA, Venezuela, Mexico, Canada, South Africa, Brazil, Dominican Republic, China, Singapore, Japan, Malta, Nigeria and Ivory Coast.

My WhatsApp: +244 941 787 956

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