Generation Chosen

in #sc-v5 years ago

It all began with the election of the twelve apostles (Matthew 4: 18-21), which then became almost one hundred and twenty (Acts 1:15), to which thousands were added (Acts 2:41) and we are parts of this generation, in constant expansion, separated (elected) when we receive Christ to be and do the best, then, we find grace in his eyes.


"But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may proclaim the wonderful works of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light" NIV (I Peter 2: 9)

The elegies are those that have a better potential, which can offer for God and for his people that which nobody offered yet.

"Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many." NIV (Matthew 20:28)

And you as chosen What do you offer to the Lord and his people?

The chosen Generation does not retain what God gives it.
If God's blessing is upon us, we will be taken to many places to speak of his love, but that should not become something for our glory, but that we should be a prophetic instrument of his Voice and will. Paulo says in Romans 8: 20-22 that "the world groans waiting for the manifestation of the children of God." What will that manifestation be like? The Word also tells us that when we have to speak something, we should not worry about the words but the Holy Spirit will place the words in our mouths. (Matthew 10:19) So our part is only to be available with everything we have (talent, good voice, sympathy, anointing - these attributes that God gives us many times), and to be what God wants us to be, without "masks" or "interpretations" , and He will place us in a place of importance, strategic for his purposes and expansion of his Kingdom.

We need only to be servants, concerned only and exclusively in fulfilling the designs of our Lord. Being a good and faithful servant also means being a great friend with whom God can count. "And if anyone serves me, my Father will honor him." (John 12:26).

God is looking for people who look with the same eyes of Jesus; May there be compassion for them and, in their hearts, that they cry for their needs, preparing to do everything possible so that the souls have a true encounter with The Lord Jesus.

I know that the service is, often, arduous and that people abuse the attention that we have to them; They abuse our love and our respect, but it was Jesus who said: "It is not the healthy who need a doctor but the sick. And I did not come to call the righteous but sinners "(Mark 2:17). We have to understand that they are, in most cases, sick and in need of remedies, which is the unconditional love of our Father.

Never forget: You are part of the Chosen Generation to proclaim the Glory of God!


This cheers my heart @yridelys, "we are chosen by God". There is nothing more exciting to know that of so many people God has chosen us to participate in his grace.
Thanks for sharing.

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