You will not say false testimony against your neighbor

in #sc-v6 years ago

The delivery of the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai is an event of the utmost importance because all humanity was affected, as I have stated before, says Destellito. The Decalogue was the basis for the creation and interpretation of many laws, in many nations, to regulate the evolution of peoples, especially in the West. Each of them points in two directions, first towards God the Father, who receives recognition as the One God, and second, towards the neighbor, who as a creation of the Lord, is respected in his established rights.


You Will Not Say False Testimony Against Your Neighbor
A Criminal Court has sentenced a man from San Javier, a commune in the city of Medellín, Colombia, to six months in prison for the crime of false testimony. The defendant, who was sentenced along with another woman for the same crime, accepted the sentence and the sentence is firm, that is, it can not be appealed. The facts that gave rise to the sentence, says Destellito, go back to the dawn of May 8, 2000 when, according to what is declared as proven facts, a man was driving through the Los Alcázares stream, under the influence of alcoholic beverages, circumstance the one who was accused of a crime against traffic safety, and later sentenced to a six-month fine and two years and six months of deprivation of the right to drive. In the trial that was carried out against this driver, a witness from San Javier, now convicted, falsely declared that the person driving the vehicle in question was not the accused, but his wife, a circumstance that she herself confirmed in that trial, also falsely , as stated in the judgment. It was then when it was decided to initiate proceedings for an alleged crime of false testimony and the opening of an oral trial was ordered. Telling the story, Destellito readied to read:

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor, Deuteronomy 5:20.

And the chief priests and the elders and the whole council sought false testimony against Jesus, to deliver him to death, and they did not find him, although many false witnesses came forward. But at last there came two false witnesses, who said: This said: I can tear down the temple of God, and in three days rebuild it. Matthew 26: 59-61

Accusing a person falsely can have serious consequences. False testimony is a sin and should be treated as such, especially if it is directed against the honor of someone, or to benefit someone through lies. The man of history, having committed a crime, sought to get rid of the consequences of his wrong act, using his wife, and false witnesses who endorsed the lie, to get rid of it.

In the case of Jesus, he suffered by himself the result of false testimony, and by biblical history we know all that he brought about him. The harm that is caused to our fellow man can become very bitter, and he is not pleased with it. God the Creator; This commandment has as a partner to lie, both go hand in hand with the firm purpose of causing the greatest harm. If you, dear reader, have committed this sin, you have time to restore things, and if you are about to harm someone, lying, stop now. Jesus Christ loves you.


The word of God is clear, God hates the lying language, which for achieving personal ambitions, envies, are able to invent slander to his neighbor, pass over, Proverbs 19: 5 says: "THE FALSE WITNESS WILL NOT BE PUNISHED, AND He who speaks lies will not escape. " God is justice......

False testimony to the neighbor brings serious consequences, people who are dedicated to destroy the lives of others by assuring things that have not happened, so they have gone innocent to jail or families separated because of this, that is why God condemns such actions .

Thank you @xiore for publishing about this topic.

We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.

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