Thus saith Jehovah: Thus will I spoil your pride

in #sc-v6 years ago (edited)

Jeremiah 13
The Bible teaches us through its word that God hates pride in humanity.
Pride is a feeling of superiority over others that provokes a distant or contemptuous treatment over others.

We read in verse 1 of the chapter quoted that God tells the prophet Jeremiah "Go and buy me a linen belt, and put it on your loins, and do not put it in water.

and verse 2 says that Jeremiah "bought the girdle according to the word of the Lord, and put it on his loins as he had said."


Then comes the voice of God for the second time and says: "Take the belt that you bought, which is on your loins, and get up and go to the Euphrates, and hide it there in the crack of a rock.
And Jeremiah did as God told him. "

Surely there would be many questions in the mind of Jeremiah about this order that God was giving him, because first he gives one order and successively gives another, but let's see what happened after many days. In verse 6, God again tells Jeremiah, "Get up and go to the Euphrates, and take from there the belt that I sent you to hide there."
And Jeremiah went to the Euphrates, and dug, and took the belt from the place where he had hidden it; and behold, the belt had rotted, for nothing was good

Linen belt: It is the first of the symbols that Jeremiah uses to bring the word of God to the people. Linen is the material that was used in the priestly garments and represented Israel as a holy people, "a kingdom of priests." The belt, as an emblem of Israel, indicates the intimate relationship of God with his people.
Cinto: a belt indicated the social position of a person, just as the "black belt" indicates the degree reached in martial arts.
"Do not put it in water": Symbol of the pride of Judah, the belt should not be washed.


Why had God sent Jeremiah to buy a belt and then hide it and leave it to rot?
The answer to this is this: We read in verse 8 that the word of God comes again to Jeremiah saying: verse 9-10 "Thus saith the LORD: Thus will I make rot the pride of Judah, and the great pride of Jerusalem. evil people, who do not want to hear my words, who walk in the imaginations of their heart, and who go after other gods to serve them, and to bow down before them, will come to be like this belt, which is not good for anything " .

¿Why should not there be arrogance in the Christian?
because man's pride hurts him; but the humble in spirit sustains honor. In Psalm 113.6, God who dwells on high, humbles himself to watch what happens in the heavens and on earth.
Haughtiness has broken all the nations of the earth and only the man who has been called to be born again through the gospel of Jesus Christ has interpreted that pride does not come from God, because arrogance breaks the spirit and constrains it, he falls to such a point that he can not see the light of the gospel, whereas humility sustains the life of man.

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Haughtiness is the root of all fall and conflict in the lives of humans
God always uses his servants to show the sin of pride to the world and can access repentance because as you say pride hurts man but humility honors him.
Good reflection God bless you.

Great message @xiore- our pride will bring us to none, but only humility raises us to the tower!, thanks for this reminder.

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