Wise advices

in #sc-v5 years ago (edited)

Observe your thoughts; they will become words.
Observe your word; they will become actions.
Observe your actions; they will become habits.
Observe your habits; they will become character.
Observe your character; it will become your destiny

The Bible contains all the wisdom so that people can acquire it, practice it and walk wisely along the way.
Remember that daily we are threatened by various situations that aims to distort or break the faith of many. For this reason, the Bible encourages us to reflect and to examine our behavior based on actions thinking words, habits and character.


It is important to note that sometimes people believe we have control over our emotions but life sends us tests to show us how little we practice what we believe to dominate. In that sense the word of God invites us to reach maturity and wisdom, then, the wise man wins before fighting, while the ignorant struggle to win.
What shows us that daily we are subjected to the struggles but everything will differ according to our attitude to the circumstances, then, it is known that before any struggle is required to master two things: the technique as an external factor and the spirit or mind as an internal factor.
And for this we have the wise word that God gives us through men that, inspired by his spirit, has made us known to guide us with wisdom in such things.

As for our thoughts.
Proverbs 4:23 says, "Keep your heart above all things kept; Because life springs from it. "
The "heart" includes the mind and everything that comes from it. Someone said that every sin we commit, we commit twice, once in our thoughts and again when we act on those thoughts.
It is important to understand that when a thought enters our mind, we examine it based on the Word of God and determine whether we should continue along that path, or reject the thought and replace it with another thought.
Psalm 139: 23-24
"Search me, O God, and probe my heart;
Test me and probe my thoughts.See if I'm going astray,
and guide me on the eternal path. "

In addition, the Lord advises putting all our thoughts and works in their hands.


Regarding the actions the Bible advises:
Matthew 12: 33-35
"Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree bad and its fruit bad, for the fruit is known by the tree, how can you speak good things being evil, because of the abundance of the heart? mouth speaks: the good man of {his} good treasure brings out good things, and the evil man of {his} evil treasure brings out bad things ".
Romans 12: 1-2
Therefore, I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living and holy sacrifice acceptable to God, which is your rational worship. And do not adapt to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, so you can verify what God's will is: what is good, acceptable and perfect.

The actions have a fruit according to how we act and God exhorts us not to act as the world acts, our words must be spoken with wisdom.

As for the destination
When the Bible speaks of destiny, it is in reference to a destiny that people have brought upon themselves: "For there are many who go there ... who are enemies of the cross of Christ, the end of which will be destruction ..." (Philippians 3 : 18-19). "His way is foolishness: yet his descendants delight in their saying" (Psalm 49:13).

So that we do not have the wrong idea, we are not the sovereign owners of our destiny. Only God is sovereign. His sovereign control is called "providence". And it is evident that our destiny is in the hands of God and we ourselves can build it when we submit ourselves wisely to its precepts.

When we act with wisdom observing and keeping the wise counsel that the Word of God gives us then we can forge that glorious destiny that God has promised us.


@xioran Listen and obey the wise advice blesses. The theme of wisdom is essential in the Christian life, the Bible contains clear teachings that invite us to be wise, but more than acquiring human, historical or intellectual knowledge (which is equally valid), it is much more important to have that wisdom that comes directly from God.
Thanks for sharing.

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