In grace through faith

in #sc-v6 years ago

The word of God teaches us that man is dead in his sins and crimes and that he does not necessarily need a guide or a teacher, because he is dead and what he needs is someone capable of resurrecting his spirit.
Most men apparently live a healthy life but the Bible tells us otherwise, even if they seem to have a good life, they are spiritually dead

That is why in the book of Ephesians we read in chapter 2: 1-10 that Jesus gave us life when we were dead in your crimes and sins, in which you once walked along the current of this world according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now operates in the children of disobedience
The mode and attitudes of society are formed by the prince of the power of the air, a title for satan that has relation with the influence that exerts on each and every culture


Before knowing God we all live according to the desires of the flesh ... and we were naturally children of wrath, an inevitable end of the children of disobedience is to be under the condemnation of a justly angry God, is to face a justified judgment for having violated known boundaries of spiritual and moral order
But the good news is that even us dead in sins his grace reached us and made us sit in the heavenly places with Christ Jesus, because by grace we are saved through faith, not works so that no one can boast, it is pure Grace
An undeserved grace, grace speaks of the undeserved kindness for which salvation is given, but it is also the powerful word that describes the ways of operating of the Holy Spirit
Grace is a force as much as a favor, a verb but also a noun


¡The grace of God is with us and it is his grace that sustains us!


Only his grace has sustained us @taty17, and even in our weakness his power has become stronger, it is his grace and his love that sustains us...

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