Grace and Truth

in #sc-v5 years ago

A Sultan dreamed that he had lost all his teeth. After waking up, he sent for a sage to interpret his dream. «What a disgrace, My Lord»! Each fallen tooth represents the loss of a relative of your majesty, "said the sage. «What insolence! How dare you say such a thing to me? Out of here! Give him a hundred lashes! "Shouted the infuriated Sultan.

Later he ordered that another wise man be brought to him and told him what he had dreamed. This one, after listening to the Sultan with attention, said to him: «Excelso sir! Great happiness has been reserved for you. The dream means that you will survive all your relatives. " The Sultan's face lit up with a big smile and he ordered to be given a hundred gold coins. When he left the Palace, one of the courtiers said admiringly: It is not possible! The interpretation you have made of dreams is the same as the first sage. I do not understand why the first one paid him a hundred lashes and you with one hundred gold coins.

The second sage answered: "My friend, everything depends on the way it is said. One of the great challenges of humanity is to learn to communicate. Communication often depends on happiness or misfortune, peace or war.

In the anecdote we see that we had to tell the king a truth that he undoubtedly did not want to hear; so you had to know well how to express it, because otherwise the communicator would receive a great punishment. That is, we have to speak intelligently without denying the truth.

"Apple of gold with silver ornaments, is the word said as it should"

The idea of ​​the verse has to do with good taste, which is something beautiful to see or hear. A counsel, a correction, a word of consolation and encouragement, or testimony, when given on time, are expressed as best as possible and are perfectly adapted to the case of the person to whom they are addressed.

"There are men whose words are like sword blows"

How important it is to know how to say things, how many times it has happened to you that, because of a fit of anger, you addressed someone badly and something that was a simple problem, now it became very complicated. We have to know that when we talk to someone about a difficult issue, we have to focus on the problem and not the person. We do not have to say "You are to blame for such a thing", but "what you said or what you did was not right". Because when we attack the person, we are automatically turned against and we can not move forward in the conversation to reach an agreement. Who did not receive a "thrust" ever, are those words that pierce our hearts and bring us pain, bitterness, that hurt us and then we have to take the time to forgive, forget, so that those "sword blows" do not destabilize our emotions.

"With mercy and truth, sin is corrected"

Many times we usually say: "I am sincere and I tell you the truth", the thing is that sometimes such sincerity covers mercy, because it does not appear anywhere in the conversation. You always have to tell the truth, but undoubtedly, it always has to be accompanied by mercy.

So, how can we say what we think without hurting people?

We must use grace and truth:

Jn.1 "Jesus full of grace": the love of God makes me flexible, grace makes you all-around. If someone closed a door for you, God will open another door for you.

The truth: it is order, discipline, punctuality, training. But if I put the truth without affection I will form rebellious people.

The grace; It's weird, it's not normal, it's all love: A son says to the mother: "Mom, there are three girls that I like and with the three of them I have a relationship, and I do not know what to do, which one to stay with" and the mother replies : "Do not worry about my love, there's nothing to worry about".

We have the example of the adulterous woman; Grace told him: "I do not condemn you" the truth told him: "Go and sin no more." That is why the proverb says: "Mercy and truth never depart from you, tie them to your neck and you will find grace and good opinion in the eyes of God and of men.

Jesus was full of grace and truth.
Just grace: bring destruction

Only true: it produces legalism and rebellious people.

But if I have both, I have the support of God and the affection of the people.

Truth can be compared to a gemstone. If we throw it at someone's face, it can hurt, but if we wrap it in delicate packaging and tenderly offer it, it will certainly be accepted with pleasure. "



Grace and truth are important actions in the Christian, without the grace of God we would be nothing and without the truth it would be impossible to please God.

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