in #sc-v6 years ago

Ephesians 3:20: "And to Him who is able to do all things much more abundantly than we ask or understand, according to the power that acts in us."

Faith pushes us to believe more in God; we must know that He is powerful to do all things. Many times we use faith to have things and do things, but the focus of faith must not be to have or to do, faith must first focus on the one who is powerful, and on pleasing God; we will achieve more by pleasing Him than by trying to do things. We may not have the power to change circumstances in our hands, but we can approach the God who can change them. The great men of faith did not try to give great fruits of faith, but rather to approach God. When our mind tells us that something is impossible, God tells us that He is powerful to do more than we ask.

Faith gives us the identity of children of God, and works first in us, in who we are, because we can not have but we are, and faith makes us see that we must be all that God has said we are. Faith is not for the circumstance, it is for us, to tell us how we should be as children of God. When we have faith knowing who we are as children of God, a supernatural power will be unleashed. Faith makes us see God where unbelief says he does not exist, only through the eyes of faith we can see him in the middle of the storm. Faith focuses on God, not on the change of circumstance, and these moments make us humble ourselves before Him, so if we listen to His voice we will find the solution; If we focus on faith to move the natural, what we will do is manipulate and we will lose grace.

Romans 4:18: "He believed in hope against hope, to become the father of many nations, according to what was said to him: So shall your seed be."

God before giving us the miracle is interested in what he will do in us; There is something that he wants us to change, and if he gives us what we are asking for we will not change in that area. There is one type of faith that works for certain material things, but there is another that will not work until we are children of God in that area. Faith is not to have, but not to weaken, there are things that we will have just to stand up when others back down, it is a faith to sustain. There are people who become weak when they are alone, but our faith will make us see that there is someone powerful who is with us, not only to protect us but to make us what he said we would be.


God is our provider, healer, guardian, savior, God is, and among many of the things that God is, he is powerful. There are people who believe that their faith is weak because a long time has passed and their miracle is not yet manifested, but the greatest example of faith was given by Abraham and as time passed his faith became stronger. The blessing that comes to us is not anything, as time passes we are dressed in authority, lineage and power. When you elevate faith to the highest level of knowing God, you are fully convinced that He is powerful to fulfill what He has promised. God does not give leftovers, everything that God promised will be fulfilled. Let's elevate the faith to full conviction, in which there is no doubt!


Without faith it is impossible to please God @taty17, he is powerful to make our lives an eternal victory.

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