Steemchurch: The Church Needs To be Healed to Grow

in #sc-v5 years ago (edited)

Be blessed in the name of Jesús, all those people who help us, follow and complement the work of Steemchurch Venezuela and the church in general. My reflection today is dedicated to the greatest "church" balanced growth the

1Timothy 3:15 refers to one of the most beautiful and complete concepts about the church "house of God, Church of the living God and column and valuarte of the truth". This refers to the God we serve and the fact that there are many churches but there is only one living God.

Well said John Calvin: "Wherever the Word of God is preached and heard, and the sacraments are administered according to the institution of Christ, there, without a doubt, there is a church of God."

Regarding steemchurch This reflects your vision


In this steemit platform there is a Church, an organization where Christian reflections are preached daily in order to edify the Christian people and people who do not yet know Jesus.
It is obvious that we all hope that the messages transmitted here reach the hearts of those who read it, that is our main goal that many can reach Jesus by the word preached here.
It is true that many of us attend a local church and there we also have important functions. However, according to the changes and transformations of the current world, it is necessary that today the gospel be preached by social networks such as steemit.

But when you dream of the future of your church, you are not thinking of having a church that simply exists - you imagine a flourishing church a healthy and growing church.


We do not want the word here preached to be carried by the wind, we want a church that grows, because growth should not be a choice but part of our nature and should be part of the nature of each person, one should grow in everything, in the personal, family, spiritual ...

Let's see the following: When a doctor checks a child in his different postnatal controls, he has to check his health and the first thing he does is measure it with a meter and weigh it because there is a great association between the growth and health of that child
So if from control to control the child grew what was expected then there are good indications about his health.
Likewise, it happens with the church if, as time goes by we are growing we will have good results seen by all many fruits "


. In the first place the church is the house of God. It does not refer here to the building where the church meets, it refers rather to those who make up the church, here the house has to interpret as a family.

The preaching of the Word of God has always been central to the Lord's church. We see it in Jesus, proclaiming without ceasing the divine word, going through Paul, giving his speeches and writing his letters full of theology, doctrine, and history.

In the New Testament we observe that the theology of Paul and the apostles is a theocentric theology: centered on God. His writings and preaching always sought to exalt the Lord, to give him glory, to adore him, and to make him known. It was never anthropocentric, that is, centered on man. The main reason for his sermons did not gravitate around man, but around the glory of God.

¿Illnesses in the house of God?

But the church through the ages has suffered many diseases that we must try to heal, because these diseases have stopped the work of God on earth.
Remember that health is essential in all areas, be it physical psychic or spiritual. We must take care of it and strengthen it, because there are many factors that influence the diseases that we find today in the churches which need nutrition, exercise and cleanliness. The church needs a balanced growth where there is health and unity. The church needs to be healed to grow, then, where there is sickness there is stagnation there is poverty there is resentment there is lack of forgiveness ... there can be no growth. And remember that all these diseases go directly to the heart of the believer.


Spiritual disease is more dangerous than physical illness. Spiritual disease affects us eternally. And if we are spiritually sick our whole being is sick.

Do you imagine if Joseph had been a resentful? - He would never have reached what God had proposed for him. Joseph made sure to forgive his brothers to be fruitful in the midst of affliction and of scarcity
Joseph's feeling was to hate sin and live in the fear of God. This made his life blessed by God. This can also be with you! It's your decision.
We need our heart to be healthy first then to heal others. In other words, the church of Jesus Christ must maintain a clean and healthy heart to be able to influence others who also need to be restored

It is also important to be clear that God chooses a leadership so that his word is administered for the edification of his people, a body of men and women with talents and gifts full of the Holy Spirit.


The Church has always been directed and pastored by men called by God for this task.Remember that leaders are not perfect are people like any of us trained by God to carry on his shoulders the administration of what God has given him by grace. But they are also people who need to be healed of any disease. God is responsible first to train their leaders before going to spiritual work.

leaders like the rest of God's people are recognized by their fruits and it is those fruits that also teach us when a church is sick and needs to be restored and healed. Such symptoms include spiritual arrogance and the wrath of justice own God expects his church to be a healthy church so that it can access constant growth.

The leadership has received a great deal of attention in recent times. The church of the Lord needs leaders with the heart according to the heart of the same God, the leadership makes a big difference because it offers direction, shapes the character and creates opportunities.

-The leadership challenge is to be strong but not rude, kind, but not weak, thoughtful but not lazy, confident but not arrogant, humble but not haughty or resentful.


A sick church that has no unity can not grow. Jesus cried out to the father and said:
"I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one, just as we are one" John 17:22
That is the longing of God! That is why his people shared his glory with us.

Church we need to strengthen ourselves in the love and unity of God in order to achieve the victory of what we want to achieve at the end of time. We want a growing church: Firm and constant in the obedience of the word. The word of God urges us to grow, challenges us, orders us, Jesus speaks as our best example of balanced growth.

At least I recommend you grow in:
In the work of the Lord always: (1 Corinthians 15:58) So, my beloved brethren, be steadfast and constant, growing in the work of the Lord always, knowing that your work in the Lord is not in vain.
In faith. (2 Corinthians 10:15)
15 We do not boast excessively in the work of others, but we hope that as your faith grows we will be greatly magnified among you, according to our rule.

In the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18)
Rather, grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory now and to the day of eternity. Amen
Pedro was a man who presented various diseases but God trained him. A man who suffered many hardships because he had his heart sick, his life was full of prejudice and resentment. He was gotten fishing like an ordinary man but ended up as a great extraordinary apostel.

¡God trained him and he wants to heal and train us as a church. We just have to access that reflection call!

We thank our collaborators

@sirknight,@sniffnscurry,@pennsif,@adollaraday,@fundition,@redpalestino, @wilx, @charitycurator, @theycallmedan,@curatorhulk, @impactn-projects,@partiko, @hanshotfirst.




Great message and reflection @ricci01 we just have to let God enter our hearts and clean everything that is not his.

Amen, thank you very much @steemchurch.

Hello @ricci01. Blessings I'm glad you support the apostle Darlenys in sc-v. It has the Cantaura team. We work with @elpastor. I find your message interesting. We hope that God will do with each one of us according to his purpose.

True @ricci01. The Church of Jesus Christ today more than ever needs to be healed so that Jesus can live in the heart of each one of us and reign peace, love and unity.

Very true @taty17, thanks for commenting.

Excellent reflection @sc-v. One of the things that has been hitting and very strong the people of God has been the spiritual diseases that today stand out as a way of life in the church and certainly this must be identified and eradicated from the heart so that there can be and healing and in turn growth.

Amen. Thanks for your comment @xiore.

Spiritual disease affects us eternally. And if we are spiritually sick our whole being is sick. We must let ourselves renew our mind. Our head (mind) must be cleansed by the Lord.
In the spiritual part many have a sick heart so our hearts have to be changed as God did with Joseph and many men in the Bible. God remains the same. And you need to have a healthy and restored church.
Excellent @sc-v

Amen @mildreduh, thank you for commenting.

Excellent @sc-v. What does the Lord want? - He wants to restore and heal his people to prepare him for his spiritual growth and his social welfare.
God wants to heal and bandage his church. Cure them, bandage them, and soften them with oil. Jeremiah 30:17 But I will make healing come for you, and I will heal your wounds, says the Lord.

Thank you very much @jenniferbrito, I appreciate your comment.

Paul said to the Corinthians: "there are many sick and weakened among you and many sleep." There was a lot of spiritual illness in this church and many slept in the circumstances they lived, therefore there was a spiritual backwardness that should heal for their due growth. We must be attentive to our current condition if we want to have a healthy and growing church.
Excellent reflection @sc-v.

Very true @xioran, thank you very much for commenting.

A message with wisdom and love @ricci01.

Thank you very much my dear @sniffnscurry

The church needs a balanced growth where there is health and unity. The >church needs to be healed to grow, then, where there is sickness there is stagnation there is poverty there is resentment there is lack of forgiveness ... there can be no growth. And remember that all these diseases go directly to the heart of the believer.

Deep words there @Ricci. When our hearts are healed, then the church will get healed. Thanks for this awesome message.

Amen aprciado brother @uyobong

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