Bread From Heaven, Divine Mandate (Official Logo)

in #sc-v6 years ago (edited)

Blessings my dear brothers of @steemchurch.

Today we bring a very reflective and perhaps hard message about the role of the church in society. In these last days God has directed me in the strategies to follow for the project "bread from heaven", I have spent so many hours asking how to do? what to do?.

Official logo "bread from heaven"

The answer was so simple, in my church is the solution!

This is what God brought to my heart: There are so many denominations of churches, in every corner of Venezuela, towns, cities, but most of them have been distorted, after religion, they have submerged in the four walls, while a village perishes and souls are lost. One of the things that has happened to our country is that the generation that was raised, was without guidance, so they lost each other in their own way, to begin to restore the generation that will change the history of this country. , we must focus on the children.

We can not leave this task to governments, we are the body of Christ that we must act, build a country on the rock, which is Jesus. Sometimes God passes us by so many ways, that in those moments they seem absurd to us without sense, but when the time passes we realize that it has served us as preparation to fulfill our purpose.

For a long time my work was with government agencies, politicians, I always inclined towards social work, I felt very good in doing so. Until one day, we proposed to do a social work in a community next to our office, we bought food, drinks, desserts, went and fed people in street situation, apparently everything was beautiful, we took pictures, they made publication. In that same week, I had a problem with my car and I had to walk that avenue, and when I'm doing it the first thing I see is a man to whom we had given food, sitting asking for alms in the same place, God broke me, It made me feel that what I had done had not helped, it made me see that the man was in the same condition. Then the lame woman next to the door brought me to memory (read Acts 3: 1-11). Only when man knows God, is he free. The rest is still dependent on a system.

I refer to this, because just as God works miracles for people to believe in him and be saved, so he uses the need for food to conquer hearts, we can not be equal to people who do not know God, we must mark the difference. I am tired of seeing people who claim to be Christians in the midst of so much affliction, poverty, only because their minds have been captive. Churches must be used to honor and glorify the name of God.

If we start bringing food to communities, it is not bad, but as the days go by these children will continue to be the same, with dysfunctional families, irresponsible parents, at the mercy of insecurity, violence, bad habits. The church must become aware of its role in this time, go to the divine call, instruct children, follow up and control, penetrating into homes, it is the only way to be an agent of change.

This is the message I want to take to the world, the church of Christ is one, we are one with him, we can not present divisions, all in the same spirit begin the work. My dear brothers came the time announced by the prophet Joel.

Malachi 4: 6 Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960)
The fact of returning the heart of the parents towards the children, and the heart of the children towards the parents ...


"Get up, shout at night, at the beginning of the vigils;
Pour out your heart as water in the presence of the Lord;
Raise your hands to him imploring the life of your little ones,
That faint with hunger in the entrances of all the streets. "
Lamentations 2:19


Children are threatened.
For the bad treatment of parents and family members, for schoolmates, for television, for reading obscene content literature, for negative toys, internet, delinquent youth groups (maras), alcohol, drugs, pornography, prostitution , and others.
Children need a center of Christian instruction.
1.- To know the importance of living as ordered by God.
2.- To know the truths of the Holy Scriptures.
3.- To counteract any threat from the enemy.
4.- To grow with the knowledge of God.


The largest group not reached in all countries are children. In some countries of America, only the elderly attend the churches. Children and young people do not appear in any meeting. Many temples are closing, other sects are occupying them. The parents never worried about guiding their children in the path of truth, they just tried to keep themselves as religious no matter the future of their children, that situation can occur in our country if not
we work to reach childhood.
The reason for establishing the children's dining room is to motivate leaders to dedicate themselves to this ministry. There is a responsibility to lay the foundation for the next generation of believers. It must be prepared and equipped in order that they may advance in the battle of the kingdom of God against the kingdom of darkness. The objective is to awaken in the church an awareness of the work towards children, inspiring each believer to carry out the children's ministry in an effective way, until each child is brought to the stature of the fullness of Christ and thus form the children of today and leaders of tomorrow.

The call to minister to, for and with children at risk The church is uniquely positioned to minister to, for, and with children at risk because it is present in almost all parts of the world. What changes would have to occur for the church to take seriously the call to minister to, for, and with children at risk?
• Leadership, from the local church level to institutional structures, can embrace a high view of children and the Scriptures so that policies and documents reflect the entirety of the Scriptures, considering children as fully included in it. church.
• Pastors and church leaders can be offered tools that value at-risk children, not simply as recipients of the service but as co-agents in the mission. Both formal and non-formal education is required to train pastors to transform thinking about children at risk in the churches.

Now is the time to act! We call on the world church to pray for us as we continue to seek the wisdom of God in our joint work for children at risk among us. In addition, we ask others to join in the mission to, for and with children at risk, empowering them to flourish and express the gifts God has given them and their partnership in society.

Now, what started as a dream is going to be a reality, God has called me to unite his people in Venezuela, all in the same spirit, and in the same spirit. What a great task!

"I thank him @sirknight because he has been the instrument of God to push me to this mission that today has become bigger, without a doubt always what we will achieve, will be used to give honor and glory to God.This is true freedom."

We love you S.K.

Our contacts available for volunteers, questions, suggestions or any other information:

[email protected]
whatsapp: + 58-4265810831


We @sc-g are solidly behind you @sc-v. Go and give back the lost hope to the children. God be with you .

SteemChurch Venezuela @sc-v has been chosen to receive another donation of 20 SBD from the A Dollar A Day project - supported today by @pennsif, @coruscate, @cryptocurator, @d-vine, @globocop, @goldendawne, @hopehuggs, @riverflows, @steeminganarchy & witnesses @drakos, @followbtcnews, @helpie, @quochuy, @steemcommunity & @yabapmatt

Contact @pennsif if you would like to know more about A Dollar A Day.

The A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.

It is a message of great divine revelation Apostle @darlenys01, without a doubt God is with you in each step, that continues to fill you with divine wisdom.

Jesus began his ministry with 12 disciples and they transformed society, today we are millions Apostle Darlenys, and the Churches of Jesus Christ are the focal point to reach the peoples.
Good strategy, bread from heaven will make history!

In everything we do if we invite God in it always it becomes a successful one. Congratulations to @sc-v and the logo too is very nice.

Beautiful message worthy of an apostle, God with you and here with people who will be of great help for this project, God bless your life and the life of @SirKnight.

As a child education professional, I know that guiding the children is a satisfying task and much more, if it is done by the hand of God, it gives us the right coordinates to take them on the right path. I have instilled the necessary values to make them man and woman for the future of a society.

Apostle @darlenys01 I am amazed at all this the way in which the revelation of the highest reaches your life, you are a liberator.

The world of the child is the here and now, of what you see and know. The way in which he understands things is literal and concrete. The words and phrases in the Bible that are symbols or metaphors make little sense to children. For example, "in my heart I have kept your sayings" may have meaning and importance for adults but not for children. Use simple and concrete words and phrases when speaking and singing of God to help children in their spiritual life. I know that with bread from heaven is the beginning of all this.

The church is the protagonist of this change in Venezuela and the world, thank you @darlenys01, you are actually the mother of crowds.

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