in #sc-v5 years ago (edited)


Be blessed all my brothers in Steemchurch and community in general, we are moving towards the expansion of Steemchurch Telos in a fast and precise way, starting with the registration stage, at this time, we have reached almost 500 records and it is time to prepare ourselves for the next stage.

Every day we are adding our friends, family and community to our church in Telos, and it is important to set a goal or a personal goal to ensure that this works in full.
We have proposed to inceivate people to enter Steemchurch Telos, so far, we have done good work, but the task does not end here, from @sc-v, we will start our second phase: consolidation of records and we invite you to conclude this stage. For this, it is necessary the activation of a self-organized work team who guarantees and verifies the implementation of the configuration of the purses, coupled with the explanation required by our brothers and friends who are not yet familiar with the subject.

One of the things we must remember is that we are not a house of charity, we are a Christian community based on the love of Jesus, the people who will be here is because they want a change in their lives, in their community and in their country.

Every institution requires a vision, mission and strategies that define its field of action, its purposes and its reason for being. A Vision describes the ideal of what you want to be in a certain period of time, it shows the goal and the way you must go to become that ideal. The Mission explains how that vision will be achieved, describes the specific tasks or strategies to achieve it. The strategies contain the objectives that will be fulfilled to develop the vision and the mission.

Work strategy

The consolidation is the care and attention that we must give to the new brother in order to strengthen his character, so that his life fulfills the purpose of God: to bear fruits that remain and make him a disciple.

Purpose of consolidation.

Retain each person that the Lord adds to our church, and take them to fulfill purpose.

Our vision is not to enter people and leave them to their fate, no, our vision is to present to the world a new alternative to establish the kingdom on earth, through justice, peace, freedom and love, and this is necessary that you and I, let's do it.

As we will begin our second phase of consolidation.

1.-First, it is necessary to keep a record of the people you have sent so far, contact them and make a personalized control and follow-up.

2.-Work groups of 5 to 10 people residing in the same geographical unit will be formed. That is, groups that live in the same street, urbanization, sector or parish, in this way the process will be efficient.

3.-In each form of team building, the telephone numbers of the person in charge of the team and of each of the members must be established.

4.-For each team a permanent meeting place must be established, which must be registered in the conformation form, which has a space reserved for that purpose.

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You as a leader or guide, must help the people who refer to configure their purse, in the same way be aware of all the advances that are being made in Steemchurch, consolidate a few people and then delegate them, so that there is multiplication and growth .
If you wish, you can download this registration form or make your own, so that you can keep track of your referrals.Click on the image.

When Jesus called some of his apostles he told them that he was going to make them fishers of men. Matthew 4:19.

"And he said to them, come after me, and I will make you fishers of men."
 Consolidation has biblical foundations and requires commitment and passion. Those who wish to serve God with all their love, heart and strength, can exercise this task without problems, because those who love God love what God loves: souls. Consolidation is not a simple strategy, it is God's way to win the world. Isaiah 55: 5:
"Behold, you will call people you did not know, and people who did not know you will run to you because of the Lord your God, the saint of Israel who has honored you."

Self-organization can not be planned, it is a natural behavior of the human being, it is in our genes. People like to work with other people, we all have the skills but sometimes we do not know how to use them and the only way is to create the right conditions for it to emerge in the team and be reinforced with continuous improvement.

You have all the tools to do a job with excellence, use those at your fingertips like: emails, telephones, text messaging, etc. It is also advisable to locate nearby people who can give you support at the right time, do not need many resources to expand knowledge and the best is that you can organize your own meeting to unify criteria, clarify doubts and achieve the objectives.

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If you have not yet registered in the most blessed community on the planet, do not miss the opportunity and do it here:
**Do not think about changing the world, but change yourself first, then change your family, your community, your city and your nation.**

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to consult through the email:

[email protected]

Or in our situation room SC.Telos in Telgram:

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For more information:
Whatsapp: +584265810831

We thank our collaborators


Our special thanks @steempress-io.for their collaboration to add value to this platform.
If you want to use steempress, look for information here:

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Posted from my blog with SteemPress :

Then, Darlenys each of us must commit ourselves to take our referrals to the final step, registration + configuracionsqrl.?

Excellent! Thank you for this initiative Apostle Darlenys. Hoping you are feeling better too.

Great paragraph....

'One of the things we must remember is that we are not a house of charity, we are a Christian community based on the love of Jesus, the people who will be here is because they want a change in their lives, in their community and in their country.'

100% true.


Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks SN for this excerpt.
It's good we always re-echo our mission and purpose so as not to deviate.


Team work is very imperative as far as this Sc-telos expansion is concerned, we are one body in Christ and therefore seek unity and soliderty to prevail in our midst. Thanks @darlenys01 for this message.

Excellent strategy to consolidate Steemchurch Telos.

That's excellent Darlenys as a self-organized team. We do not expect a leader to assign them work. We will seek to generate the tasks and do the work, this will allow them to feel ownership of our work and more committed to the project.

In this way we will consolidate the records, we know who our brothers are and we will have control over what we are doing, leading the church to its goal: Telos expansion, great idea @darlenys01.

An organized, efficient way to work, I believe that if each one of us follows the established guidelines of work, we will take an order of what we are doing, hands on the job.

If we’ve called them, we should make it good by following them up, making sure that understand the reason for their calling which will enable them win others. This is lovely arrangement.

Posted using Partiko iOS

keep track and place in a geographically united way seems an excellent idea

Hello @windermarin, it seems to you that you write down your referrals, follow them up so that you can configure your account, and besides that, you sow the word and everything we can do from steemchurch Telos...

It is a way to have control and make sure that the initial work is not in vain. Good strategy @darlenys01.

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