in #sc-v5 years ago

From ancient times God established earthly kingdoms where man had the power to reign over nations as far as He allowed them and as history has shown, earthly kingdoms are unfair, so we have lived through times of many tribulations, anguishes, darkness, hobbies from then until today.

In that sense the book of Isaiah tells us the great revelation of the prophet where the promised kingdom is announced, a kingdom that would give light to the darkness and to all those who lived in the land of the shadow of death as well as breaking the heavy yoke the rod of his shoulder and scepter of his oppressor.
¡Look as it says!

Isaiah 9: 6
"Because a child has been born to us, a son has been given to us, and sovereignty will rest on his shoulders; and his name will be called Admirable Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace"


All the nations of the world have suffered all kinds of penalties with the established kingdoms but the good news is that one would be born that would reign forever and bring peace to the earth and light to men.
From the birth of this child God magnifies the joy of the nation who would proclaim the truths the salvation and freedom of man.

This announced kingdom brought with it the true freedom of man that the prophets of the old covenant so proclaimed, for this kingdom reigns forever over all the kingdoms.
That child became a man to save humanity to give us salvation and eternal life.

His sovereignty highlighted here by the prophet Isaiah enhances his kingdom because this man would be: admirable and counselor, God strong eternal father and prince of peace.

¡Glory to God! by our heavenly father who told us that this real and true news and today reigns in many hearts that believe him with his heart.

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