in #sc-v5 years ago


Today taking advantage of this day from Venezuela where the day of love and friendship is celebrated I want to share with everyone who has the opportunity to read this blog the greatest act of love and friendship in all history and the universe.
Friendship and love is a sublime and pure act that works wonders and transforms the human being because friendship and pure love is fantastic and beautiful since it is an act of surrender without demanding or expecting anything in return.
True friendship is a feeling without limits that goes beyond circumstances.
About it Jesus said:

John 15:13 John 15:13
13 No one has greater love than this, that one puts his life for his friends.
Reina Valera 1960 (RVR1960)


The true friend sacrifices himself in order to achieve the welfare of the other and even puts his life for his friends.
Jesus is our greatest friend because he put his life for ours.

Today my message is based on our beloved Lord Jesus Christ who gave himself out of love for us without sparing anything in return, he did not complain about anything or anyone in order to achieve his purpose of granting us salvation and eternal life.
Jesus is our greatest act of love and friendship because he demonstrated it in the work of the cross of Calvary and today he is still our greatest friend, there is no friend or love like God's.

John 3:16
16 For God so loved the world, that he has given his only begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not be lost, but will have eternal life.
Reina Valera 1960 (RVR1960)

"God loved the world in such a way" I think these phrases are priceless because "in such a way" refers to an incomparable, mysterious, unique, incredible and incomprehensible love that the human mind is not able to describe.

In this sense I want to express that for this reason there is no relationship more important to man than he can have with God because He is the essence of love as well as being our creator.

It is not wealth, neither the possessions nor the highest degrees we can have on this earth that can grant us the best relationship of life, no, they are not the "friends" that we believe to have only Jesus can grant us the greatest satisfaction of life when we have a constant relationship with Him.

God loves us so much that he gave his only begotten son to save us from eternal damnation since there was no other way for humanity to be saved. For this reason the world must understand that it is essential to maintain a relationship of friendship with the one who gave everything for love. That is the greatest act of love and friendship for humanity!

There are many friendships in this world and many kinds of love but none can be compared to God's friendship or his love
Jesus came to be a sacrifice for all nations so that the world could understand his kind of love but unfortunately many refuse to look at him.

The man without God is lost and lifeless even if he breathes and walks, about this the bible says that we were dead in our crimes and sins but by his love and mercy we now have part with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
God longs for all creation to enjoy his love forever but that depends entirely on the person who wants to take that step of faith and approach Him.

Humanity is always in search of true love and many have been hurt, hurt and disappointed because many cannot understand that love is a human feeling that is impossible to reduce to a product of evolution because that feeling is innate of our creator. since He is the source and the total essence of love and if we want to love we must go to the source of it, that is, we must first seek the love of God to receive and impart it because we have been formed in the image and likeness of God.

I want to point out that from the world we can receive disappointments, deceptions, frustrations but from God we will never receive such things. God loves us "in such a way" that he is always willing to give us his love and forgiveness.
He is the best friend we can have!


¡Jesus is our faithful friend!

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