in #sc-v6 years ago (edited)

Hello, Blessings- Welcome to my blog.

Today I want to share with all of you a very interesting topic for all, especially for the people of God. ¡ Please, I want your attention!
Introducing the topic I want to point out about the religious philosophies that have invaded our world, especially young people.
The most subtly diabolical that is penetrating all areas of the human being is secular humanism. This philosophy declares man as the center of life itself.

Is man the center of life itself?

¿What is secular humanism?

Let's see what in the context applies to this theory. This theory denies the existence of God and the creation of man, therefore it is an atheist. It establishes that the human being can solve his own problems without the help of God. It is a doctrine of lies and deception that promotes moral debauchery. With this doctrine comes the practice of abortion, free sex, divorce, ect. They proclaim that nothing is immoral in itself; that there is no good and evil. Secular humanism promotes the doctrine of hedonism; it considers pleasure as the end of all things.

Along with this doctrine, but in a very subtle and discreet way, the enemy has intruded, through the media, a deadly trap: "mental manipulation".

For example, a reader or judge is manipulated when, instead of giving him real facts, fantasy is presented to him, disguised as truth. In the aspect of religion, the name "God" is used as a bait to "motivate" the masses and make them follow a leader. Many doctrines of error use this method to gain adherents. This is why we see crowds, as hypnotized, following a leader who really has nothing good to offer them. In the aspect of religious paintings the same thing happens; Many times we look at a painting, without understanding that it hides the expression or the feel of its author.
Those who enter an art gallery are at the mercy of their artists, believe it or not.

¿What does psychology say about mental manipulation?


Mental manipulation or mental control occurs when an individual or group of individuals exercises a control over the behavior of a person or a group, using techniques of persuasion or mental suggestion, in order to eliminate critical or self-critical abilities. the person, that is, their ability to judge or refuse information or mental orders.

Some psychologists and sociologists believe that one can "influence with integrity" in family or business relationships, 1 that is, not at the expense of the other, but to improve social and interpersonal relationships (education and the psychology of motivation would participate in this category of manipulation.) ( Taken from Wikipedia)

In the field of music this manipulation has been felt in a very special way. In recent times music has dragged millions of young people to their doom using "subliminal" messages. These are hidden messages, sent to the subconscious. They penetrate the subconscious through sight and hearing. They can be negative or "positive", prepared in a premeditated way with the purpose of "manipulating". Our media has been inundated with all this.
And it's not that music is a bad thing, on the contrary music is an expression of the soul made a song that we all like, also God, because, He is the author.
But as a conservative Church, what kind of music are we taking to our children, what positive message are they hearing today through music.
¡We must be careful in the formation of our children!


It would be good to reflect on this.

Today, you can request or access a video with the message of various topics and for different purposes. For example to lose weight, be "positive", overcome insomnia, overcome vices, ect. and it is not that it is bad, but that many are achieved under the title of "mental communication", "Use subliminals", or "How to use your mind to do what you want".
I want to clarify why I say "positive" in quotes. First of all, nothing that can manipulate your mind or your emotions pleases God. It is defined to manipulate, as "the effect of making him act in a way that he would not, if that impulse does not mediate".

I also want to clarify that the means of communication are very advantageous and necessary, but they are currently being dominated by the enemy, and through very subtle "threads," which are the messages of mental manipulation, are driving many away from God.
If you understand that a message of a negative nature, obviously refuse to hear it. But when it comes to something positive, before making sure of what it is, it will possibly give in and listen to it.

Now I want you to analyze the following: "suppose that a person has a problem, and that with a video or any information of a" positive "message manages to overcome its crisis, why do you need God? - What place would you give to God in your life, if you managed to overcome your problem without Him? "

What did we say earlier about secular humanism? In what position do you place man? Do you realize how you are moving away from God? Not all miracles and not everything that seems good to us comes from God. With the video of the "positive" message, it may solve your problem, but with what will you fill the gap that will remain? With another vice, another problem, with sports, etc.?
Sports are very good to keep the physical body healthy, in fact they have been constituted in the psychological relief of people, but their soul can not be filled with sports.
¡You need God!


You need God, you are his divine design, therefore you need to intimidate with God.
Now I want you to compare the titles of some messages of this type (subliminal), with the word of God.
1.- "Developing your self-image" Cor. 5:17
2.- "Health" Matthew 8:17
3 .- "Revitalize the dream" Psalm 3: 5; 4: 8
4 .- "How to be positive" 2tim. 1: 7
5.- "Improve your memory" 1cor. 2:16
From secular humanism to satanic worship there is only one step. Understand that the number one plan of satan is to take humanity away from God. A very subtle trap of the enemy of souls is to make man believe that he does not exist. That everything is the product of the mind, which is only an illusory and harmful idea. Humanism is spreading atheism. It has infiltrated schools, universities, homes, and churches; and above all, in the mass media.


No true Christian can be part of this philosophy; It is a very deceiving weapon. Let's be very careful with what we read or hear! At this time, more than any other, we must search the word of God and hold on to it more and more every day, (John 5:39) "You search the Scriptures, because to you it seems that in them you have eternal life. and they are the ones that give testimony of me ". In addition, the Bible tells us: Ephesians 4:14
"so that we are no longer fluctuating children, carried everywhere by every wind of doctrine, by the stratagem of men who, to deceive, use the tricks of error with astuteness"

Since we invite you to use:


Excellent message and very explanatory @ricci01, certainly the secular humanism promotes various false doctrines that hold people in a total mental manipulation.
As you say: be very careful with what we see and hear!
Thanks for sharing. Blessings.

Good message @ricci01, this kind of things today invade our society and have penetrated significantly in institutions, schools, universities ... even in the church.

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