Determination and perseverance

in #sc-v5 years ago (edited)

It is important to start by saying that serving God is a decisive action that has a very positive effect on the life of the person who has decided to live for God, well, there are multiple and hundreds of believing people who unfortunately today live "half-way" they say one thing and they do something totally different and that in effect produce a wall between them and God. and consequently lack transparency.

The Spanish dictionary defines determination as the action and effect of determining (taking a resolution, setting the terms of something, pointing out something for some effect).

One of the attitudes of the Christian in the daily occurrence has a lot to do with determination, because she acts as the key to produce an effect.
Also the determination fixes the correct position that a person who has decided to walk with God and transform his life must have.
It is worth saying that determination is one of the most important factors, so that faith and personal revival may grow and cosolide.

Similarly, the determination is an act of motivation and identity that marks the life of the Christian so that nothing and no one can discourage us.
For example in the Bible we find various examples of men of God who set their determination to activate the glory of God in their life, family and ministry.

One of them was Joshua who determined to seek God's blessing and protection for his family. And at a decisive moment he expressed:
Joshua 24:15 And if it seems wrong to serve Jehovah, choose who you serve today; if to the gods whom your parents served, when they were on the other side of the river, or to the gods of the Amorites in whose land you live; but I and my house will serve Jehovah.


This determination that Josue makes was certainly a step of faith and courage, since many people when threatened by external forces easily yield to the pressures of the world, but nevertheless Josue determined along with his family to serve the Lord, he was clear that He had to make a decision to strengthen and cover his family by the enemy.

In this sense it is worth noting that as Christians we should never allow the enemy to work against our loved ones, forbid the enemy to work on their children or their spouse.
A man of God has as a principle the determination and makes it worth when making specific decisions for the building of his and his own, because God likes decisive and determinant

It is for this reason that, when you encounter a difficult situation try to choose the same thing that God would do or when you meet people who do not know what determination to take in some events of your life do what is possible for people to choose God.
Although we know that there are people who will follow their own interests and act on their own.

It is also worth mentioning the opposite in the life of Abraham, because despite being a very influential leader in God's people marked by a great promise, Abraham's life as a leader fluctuated between periods of victory and stages of decline.
Recall that Abrahan determined to lie in a time of pressure to achieve his purposes saying that Sara his wife was his sister to climb rungs in their own benefits.

Abraham often fluctuated between faith and determination, it seemed that sometimes he trusted in the power of God and other times he worked according to his abilities and if something we must be clear is that all determination must go hand in hand with God and trust in his strength and support, because in the will of God everything will go well.

We must persevere in what we have believed in order to project ourselves into a decisive cause under the word of God, perseverance goes hand in hand with faith and determination.

A man or woman of God should not fluctuate or be between two currents to the contrary is someone determining what he believes.


As God said to Job, you will determine one thing and it will be firm and in your way the light will shine.


Amen @darlenys01, thank you very much for your comment. DTB

we have God on our side and if we move forward with perseverance and determination, our reward will be greater.

Blessings Determination is important for the decisions we must make based on everything that encourages us to sin. We must persevere in the knowledge of the Word of God to get out of temptations and when we have passed the test we have defeated our adversary.

Amen @mamidalia, I appreciate your comment, thank you very much for reading. Blessings

God bless you more sister @ ricci01. Joshua was very decisive in his decision to serve the true God. He left the same concern to people to decide what was best for them, or to serve God or idols.

Hello sister @dali13, greetings and blessings, thank you very much for reading and commenting.

Interesting message The Christian life must be firm in the decisions that are made and persevere in all of them, so as not to be double-minded believers. DTB

This is @ennimariana sister, thank you very much for commenting, greetings and Blessings.

Greetings @ ricci01. Thank you for sharing such an uplifting message. Perseverance and determination are essential in the Christian life.

Hi sister @Kimbi09, thank you very much for reading and commenting. Blessings

Thanks @ ricci01. Excellent reflection. As Christians we must make firm decisions and not give rise to the enemy when we do things with doubts. Perseverance goes hand in hand with determination in our corresponding faith actions, just as Joshua did. Blessings

Amen @elpastor, thank you very much for your contribution to this reflection. Greetings and blessings.

Hello, I find your publication very valuable. It must be well understood that determination, faith and perseverance are intimately linked and are fundamental pillars in the advancement, development and growth of the spiritual life. DTB

This is sister @carlis20, I appreciate your comment, thank you very much for reading. Greetings and blessings.

Beloved blessings, likewise with determination and perseverance we will achieve our goals, with the favor of God.

persevering until the end with determination, blessings

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