Betting on numerical growth

in #sc-v5 years ago (edited)

The primitive church recounted in the book of events is an example to follow in the growth of the church both on a spiritual and numerical level.
The Bible tells us that the harvest had already begun and the Lord added each day to the church to those who were being saved. The church grew continually because God and his people were united in the realization of the evangelizing work. That is what the divine plan consists of. The Lord will not do what we have to do, nor can we do anything if we do not have divine intervention.


When you dream of the future of your church, you are not thinking about having a church that simply exists - you imagine a flourishing church. ¡ That grows in all the senses!

For the growth of the church it is obvious that we must all work in uniyt.


I ask - Why did the church grow? - simply because God and his people were united to achieve the plan of God the
"evangelizing work" to reach the souls and that the church could also grow numerically

In those days, the Christian community was so united that the believers shared the resources they had and lived from a common treasury. We now truly admire the spirit and intentions that served as the basis for this primitive Christian system of collectivization. However, we can not ignore the serious problems caused by this system, as we are informed in Acts 5 and 6.It seems that this type of communal life only worked during the early days of the Jerusalem church. We have no reports that such a method has been extended to places where new churches were established.It is probable that the system of a community fund has arisen because many Jews decided to remain in Jerusalem after the revival of the day of Pentecost instead of returning to the countries in which they had lived until that date.

For a time Christians could enjoy the appreciation and acceptance of part of the people. The problems would arise later but the Lord perhaps allowed everything that happened at the beginning of the church for some specific reason. At least this was a time in which the church grew stronger and was able to cope with greater problems that would arise in the future. The leaders of the Jewish religion were so stunned that they were unable to handle the situation caused by the advancement of the growing church of Christ.
Meanwhile the disciples took every opportunity to proclaim the gospel and make new disciples.

Another question - what do you think were the hallmarks of the early church and its members? - Humbly was the love of God and service to others.

The first Christians gave primary importance to two activities: Prayer and the worship of God. You can also discover in them a deep and sincere concern for the needs of others.
These same qualities must exist in our lives and in steemchurch today. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to do in our lives the same thing that he did in the life of the members of the early church if he truly wanted to...let the church grow

¿What was the aprimitive church's plan to grow?
The prayer and the adoration to God in union was the key for God to take control of adding day by day those who were going to be saved.
And you already have a plan for steemchurch to grow - What is your new vision? - ¿ What is your next goal? We wait for you.




Good post and an excellent call to define our goal and work plan in Ministry @ Steemchurch. We have generated our commitment to membership, which can not be left there. From our main Cantorship we will develop our work of evangelization and the Sunday work plan of sharing the word with the community, the local church and with the children, as well as sharing the bread as it was done in the early church. This implies that in the next post we should already announce our work of @ sc-v core cantaura. Blessings

Amen dear pastor very true the membership can not get there, now it is that commitment and work remains to extend the kingdom of God on this earth. We wait for you with the certainty that together we will be an indestructible force. Thank you very much for commenting. Blessings

Excellent @ricci01. Very true, the whole church united with Christ can achieve anything. Nothing is impossible when we do it with love, unity, prayer and adoration.

Muchas gracias por comentar @xioran. Bendiciones

When the people of God unite to achieve the evangelizing mission, the objective is achieved.
Very good reflection @ricci01

Eso es correcto @mildreduh, gracias por comentar .DTB

Worship and prayer to God opens new doors of blessings for the growth of the church.

Amén @jenniferbrito, muchas gracias por comentar.DTB.

Really the unity of the early church was based on the love of God, which allowed them to help each other and grew both spiritually and numerically. Our work as a church today should focus on evangelization and care for the needy. regards

Amén hermana @gressy, muchas gracias por comentar. DTB

The love of God, service and worship were paramount in the times of the early church. We must follow that example for our numerical growth. I like your publication.

Ese es nuestro deber @mamidalia y debe ser nuestros principios, muchas gracias por comentar. DTB

Blessings hna @ ricci01. Certainly the church united to Christ can achieve what he wants. The primitive church did it, we can also do it if we clearly define our goal of participation in @ sc-v. We must define our work plan so that we experience our growth as a church of the Lord.

Amén hermana @ennimariana, el trabajo nos espera muchas gracias por comentar. DTB

Thank you for sharing your reflection message. We must orient our work as did the first Christians focused on love and service to others. God always added to the church those who were to be saved.

Amen sister @carmentita, it is time to serve God as He wishes, thank you very much for commenting. DTB

God bless you. Unity is important for the growth of the church.

Amen sister @kimbi09, thanks for comment.DTB

Important publication Evangelization must be the relevant objective of our work. DTB

Amen sister @carlis, thank you for sharing.DTB

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