¡Being an immigrant is not a dream!

in #sc-v5 years ago (edited)

My reflection today is based on what it means to be an immigrant. We all know what it means to be an immigrant. However I want to define it through the Spanish dictionary which defines it as an adjective / common name
[person] That arrives in a country or region different from its place of origin to settle there temporarily or permanently.


It is important to highlight that due to the political and financial social crisis that our country venezuela is going through today, many young professionals and non-professionals among them adults have migrated to other countries of Latin America in their majority to look for how to feed their families, but the sad history is that most of them have not done well due to the alarming xenobia that was registered among our Venezuelan brothers.

Many have been mistreated and embarrassed for being Venezuelans but I want to say today through this blog that we Venezuelans are hardworking studious people with good feelings and we make no distinction of people when it comes to helping someone when they need it so Unfortunately, today we are having a bad time but this is not forever.
An example of this we have thousands of foreigners who live in our country when they also passed through deserts in their countries and came to Venezuela looking for a way to get ahead. Venezuela held out their hand and today they are our brothers.
It is also important to note that in every country or society we are going to find wrong people who unfortunately took wrong directions but this is not the reason why we should judge others.
Venezuela is a beautiful country of enterprising working people and willing to move forward, but today many who migrated have returned to their country disappointed by the bad treatment they have received.
So emigrating is not a dream, nobody would like to leave their country for pleasure and desire, there must be a reason to do so

In that sense I think that emigrating is not a dream! But let's see what God says about how you should treat the foreigner.

»Do not oppress foreigners who live among you.34 Treat them as if they were your countrymen, and love them as yourself, because you too were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God. Leviticus 14: 33-34 NIV

Matthew 25:30
`` Because I was hungry, and you gave me food; I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you received me;" (RNV 1960


Dear friends and brothers, God doesn't miss anything. God is lord of all and dwells in all nations and he set us free so that we would not live in slavery. We must consider the word of God about how to treat a foreigner who is seeking help, and that God advises not to oppress or harm them.

And you will not distress the foreigner; because you know what the soul of the foreigner is like, since foreigners were in the land of Egypt Exodus 23: 9

Mary, the mother of Jesus, also lived this moment not very pleasant when she looked for the place to bring the world savior to Jesus because there was no place for her and she had to change her mind and find ways to have it as it was established

It is not easy to be a foreigner and God knows it, so he gives the best advice so that we can practice it and treat the needy foreigner with mercy and justice.
Thus saith the Lord of hosts, saying, Judge according to the truth, and make mercy and mercy each with his brother; do not oppress the widow, the orphan, the foreigner or the poor; neither does anyone think badly in his heart against his brother. Zechariah 7: 9-10 NLT

I firmly believe that the hand of God has been with us, sustains us and will continue to hold us until He puts an end to this desert, for the deserts are not forever. After the storm a great blessing will come and everyone will recognize that God is also the God of foreigners and the almighty God who never abandons the oppressed.
God expects you to treat with love and hold your hand abroad as He would He.


¡Venezuela the best is yet to come, don't despair Venezuelan brother trust in God that Tomorrow will do wonders!


Excellent message @ricci01, very true what you say but we trust our heavenly father.

@mildreduh, thank you very much for reading.

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Thank you for sharing beautiful reflection. As a Venezuelan, I want to cry over the hard treatment our citizens have received. However, God is with us. DTB

Excellent message God will help us overcome this difficult situation and we will see again the glory of God over Venezuela. Blessings @ ricci01.

Blessings @ ricci01. The word of God is very clear in relation to the treatment we must give to foreigners. However, when what God commands is ignored, this brings consequences. Let's see only what happens in Ecuador and, therefore, in other places near our country where Venezuelans have been treated harshly. God will help us out of this crisis and we will be a country of greater blessing and support those who need it again.

Amén love dear pastor, thank you for tour input snd fir reading, blessings.

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I like this message Allow God, to be read by many people from Latin American countries. God be with Venezuela. DTB ricci01

Amen @johalys, God and his blessing with us, thanks for reading. DTB

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We trust that God will help us and we will continue giving the best treatment to foreigners in our country. This crisis will not last a lifetime. The Lord will help us out of this economic and political darkness soon, and will show us his light at the end of the melody.

God is good @gressy, and his blessing is with us even in the worst circunstancias. Thanks for reading.

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Very sensitive this message. There is a teaching for all Venezuelans. We must give the best treatment to foreigners no matter how bad we have received in other lands. Blessings sister @ ricci01.

Amén @kimbi09, that should ve oír attitude with our neighbor, thank you very much for reading. DTB

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This message seems very valuable to me. Just as Israel was a foreigner in Egypt, in the same way that God commanded them to treat migrants well. Today Venezuela is a victim of mistreatment of its citizens, however, God is with us. DTB

Amen @manidalia, thats oír hope, thank you very. DTB

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Hi ricci01. This message seems very sensitive to the situation that our Venezuelan brothers live in other countries where they went in search of a better life destination. We know that this crisis will end soon and that Venezuela will shine again like sunlight. Blessings

Amén @ fanny our destino as a perdón and Marion si un the hands of God thanks for reading.

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Beautiful message sister @ ricci01. Blessings

Thank you very much @jacobbendice, Blessings.

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