in #sc-v6 years ago (edited)

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6.21



The Word itself indicates that "everything has been created through Him and for Him" (Col. 1:16). In other words, God is not only the origin of our existence ("for Him ...") but the purpose of it ("... for Him"). For this reason, in our ministry everything has the express purpose of highlighting God and pointing to Him as the reason for everything we do. In practical terms, this leads us to take care not to "worship" any human leader but to God who enables us to do His work.

Something is "whole" when it is complete or intact. A person is whole when he has no cracks in his character, when he has no folds and hypocrisies. When it is the same person alone or in front of others. In biblical terms, integrity is related to righteousness, in fact it is also related to holiness. As Christians we are commanded by God to live holy lives as a reflection of His Holiness (1 Peter 1:16).

Two people reach old age. Each one had chosen their values. A man. All his life looking for new ways to make money. He chose what his values ​​were and cultivated them day after day in many different ways; his values ​​defined his decisions and finally he became a person according to the values ​​he had chosen. His passion turned him into a greedy being. When his time began to end he was pure greed, still without leaving his bed in the hospital he still wanted more for himself.

A grandma. The last memory of her was seeing her sitting at the table and we asked her to pray; she took the hands of those who were at her side, a broad smile, the look to the sky, eyes with tears, her chin trembled, she had chosen that her values ​​would be to love Jesus and love people.

She did not remember the names of the people, but she approached them and patted them on the back. When her time began to end she was pure love, love of God and people.

Even without moving from her bed she still loved God and the people. "Each of these people had become what they valued.

We all have values. Jesus says that where this is what you value, there you will concentrate your life. In one way or another what we value is gaining ground in our actions taking us to give our time, our delivery, our effort, our skills and our money.

When a person defines their values, defines their actions, defines their passion and defines their way of life.

God wants you to become a person who lives according to your values.

Prayer: Lord, I want to align my life according to your values, I want that at the end of my days, my life is a reflection of what is important to you.


The values we have is the legacy we are going to leave to our children, if we sow love, respect, we will make men and women of the kingdom.

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