The result of your tests

in #sc-v6 years ago

Thinking about a test or difficulty is always something that we are not happy to know, there are those who believe that the life of a believer is perfect and there are no difficulties, as if the believing being had an effect of immunity to the difficult circumstances of life, there are also those who see a test the first thing they think is: What will I have done wrong? What did I do to deserve this ?, or worse yet, will God have moved away from me?

Blessed is the man who endures the test with strength, because when he is approved, he will receive life as a reward, which is the crown that God has promised to those who love him.
James 1:12 (DHH)


A few days ago I saw a person say "I do not feel the love of God in these moments", surely going through some difficult or trial situation, within his need and blinded by his pain he thought that God had moved away, and it is that normally living these kinds of situations the first thing that comes to mind are all kinds of negative thoughts because we associate the evidence with something bad, and even with a punishment from God, with all the occurrences that our human capacity can understand, we run away from the pain , we return the suffering and that makes us think negative and want to run away before facing the difficulty and learn from it.

For a moment think coldly about the test you are going through, that family situation, that problem with your partner, your economic problem, your illness, any difficult situation that you are living and that has caused in you, which is what you have done in part of some crying and feeling despair, in one thing we can agree and that is that in the most difficult moments of our life we ​​approach God more often, we want to be all the time praying and asking him to help us, in a few words, we get closer God in hard times, because it is when we need Him the most.

It is difficult to see when pain has blinded our lives, so sometimes we forget that God acts at all times, that he is always doing something, and always with a purpose, God is not like a mother who is taking care of her little son and in a At the moment of carelessness the little one gets injured or something happens to him, no! God is not that kind of person who forgets or neglects himself, but is always looking to empower us, make us stronger and spiritually mature.

People who do not know about God can think that they are alone, that they are forgotten of God, that they are paying for everything they have done, but ... My brothers, you must be very happy when you are subjected to tests of all kinds. Well, you know that when your faith is tested, you learn to endure suffering with strength. But try to make that strength bring you to perfection, to full maturity, without missing anything. James 1: 2-4 (DHH)

Of how many things we realize when we are on trial, things that we sometimes overlook, as we believe we have faith, but at the time of the test we ask ourselves if we really will be free, we believe to have patience, but when we want to use it it is not enough, we consider ourselves strong but we want to flee when the fight is just beginning, those are the things that God wants to develop in those he loves, because they are the basis of life, they are really necessary, they are weapons, they are capacities that he wants perfections , and you can only exercise by testing them.

Most times we are in the middle of the test we do not understand what we will learn until it ends, but if you are trusting in God, if you are sure that he loves you and knows what he does then you also know that the end of that test results in victory and growth.


A TRIAL can be one of the most sharp tools in our God's toolbox. He uses the tests, many times, to perfect and mold our faith. Sounds pessimistic, is not it? But it should not, because Jesus never said that we would escape from trials, or from problems.
On the contrary, He said in John 16:33, "In the world they will have affliction; BUT TRUST, I have overcome the world. "The world is full of pain, of suffering, of difficulties. And the Christians are not immune.

Trials produce maturity, and this is why they are a blessing to us. James 1:4 describes a progression where trials produce perseverance, and perseverance, maturity. The goal of trials is not to make a person more persevering. That’s not a very exciting goal. But the result of persevering under trials is a mature character and faith. This is motivating. All Christians want the fruit of maturity; godly character and faith.

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