in #sc-v6 years ago


When Jesus Christ died on the cross the Old Covenant was abolished and the New Covenant became effective and therefore the commandment to love one another gained value, for He being the Son of God, Holy, without blemish and without wrinkle whatever He gave EVERYTHING to give us eternal life. Immediately loving our neighbor ceased to be a legalistic commitment and became the main purpose of our existence.

Brothers, God has given us freedom in Christ Jesus and this freedom is irrevocable; However, sometimes we ourselves who claim to be called children of God and have experienced that freedom, instead of using it for what God asks us to use, believe we have the right many times to go around judging others and worst of all to the same members of the body of Christ. I do not know if you are as imperfect as I am, but for my part I have to admit that I have fallen into this sin several times and I thank God for his mercy, his forgiveness and the great privilege he has given me in understanding that it will never be worth pain to act in this carnal and sinful way. "For you, my brothers, have been called to live in freedom; but do not use that freedom to satisfy the desires of the sinful nature. Instead, use the freedom to serve one another out of love. For the whole law can be summarized in a single mandate: "Love your neighbor as yourself", but if you are always biting and devouring one another, be careful! They are in danger of destroying one another. " Galatians 5: 13-15 (New Living Translation).

I share this teaching with the sole purpose that you can enjoy the freedom that Jesus Christ has given us without any merit; In addition, to understand the true meaning of loving unconditionally as He loves us: I understood that I should not spend my time in perceiving and much less pointing people to what they do or do not do; God has not called me to be a judge, only He is a JUDGE and to Him each one of us in his moment will give accounts of EVERYTHING we do. I understood that to fulfill the mandate that Christ left us, we must first recognize that we will never be better than others. "I say, then, for the grace that is given to me, to each one among you, who has no higher concept. of himself that he should have, but think of himself with sanity, according to the measure of faith that God distributed to each one. For as in one body we have many members, but not all members have the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and all members one of another. " Romans 12: 3-5 (RV 1960).

Many times we can do things with the intention of building the body of Christ, but at the moment of truth we come out hurting its members, our brothers. The question then is, if we do not love and forgive ourselves, then how are we going to do so that other people who have never known Christ, understand and believe in what He did for us on the cross for love? We have the great gift of the freedom that He has granted us for his infinite grace and mercy; However, we must always keep in mind that we do not stop being slaves, because everyone who truly loves the Father decides to be a slave of Jesus Christ for eternity.

Finally, another wonderful lesson that my Father has given me: "Do not get into foolish discussions about lists of spiritual lineages or quarrels and quarrels about obedience to Jewish laws. All this is useless and a waste of time. Titus 3: 9 (New Living Translation). Let us not forget that we are nothing without Him and that much less we can do something as He does; that is, we do not have the power He has to convince people of sin, justice and judgment, that is a work that only the Holy Spirit can do. Let us recognize our function in Christ Jesus and do what He has truly commanded us to do, to love one another as He has loved us.

"Let us love one another no matter how much we fail or fail, so God loves us, He is willing to forgive us, as long as there is sincere heartfelt repentance"



Freedom is that given by God to man so that he can have inner peace and free him from the bondage of sin.
Thanks for sharing brother @renew2018.
God bless you.

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