in #sc-v5 years ago

When thinking about judges, the idea of ​​justice is conceived.

The society is sustained thanks to a legal norm dictated by the legislator. That is, a precept established by the competent authority, where it is ordered, something is prohibited or allowed in accordance with justice, and to which we all owe obedience. Failure to comply results in a penalty. It is established to preserve and strengthen relations between citizens, and are administered by judges, the highest legal authorities to resolve this type of conflict.


But these, unfortunately, are not perfect. Judges prevaricate, sometimes, and many are wrong. From here comes his prestige. An infallible judge threatens no more than the guilty; a judge who errs, threatens guilty and innocent. The first is, truly August; nothing escapes his eyes. However, we can not say the same of the second; he lives off his personal ego, his social position or his disability, and he does not care about the outcome of his judiciary. He acts with negligence and lives protected in his power before others.

Something similar happens in the churches, because we become judges without being interested in the reason of the events. It is easier to criticize or condemn the performance of the individual, rather than to analyze the different causes of their behavior.

Are we right for this or are we wrong? The answer is obvious, is not it?

Our law is none other than to believe that we are right or that we feel more wisely than others. But this unreason to judge, criticize or condemn one of our brothers is not contemplated in the law by which we must rule: The Law of God.

If a brother falls, errs or behaves in a manner contrary to the Scriptures, the right thing is exhortation, not judgment. It is of great mercy to help you, not to condemn you. And more serious still is to prejudge him, when we do not know from his mouth the whys of his performance.

"Therefore, if your brother sins against you, go and rebuke him while you and he alone; if I hear you, you have won your brother. But if he does not hear you, take one or two with you, so that every word may be recorded by two or three witnesses. If I do not hear them, tell it to the church; and if he does not hear the church, let him be a Gentile and a publican "(Matthew 18: 15-17)."

Admirable! How perfect are the rules that Jesus himself establishes to settle differences between brothers! Thus, and only then, should we proceed when we encounter a case of this nature. We do not issue a prior judgment and let the Word of God act.

First, go in private, and tell him he has done wrong. Although, the circumstance may occur, that this offense was unintentionally produced, like Abimelech to Abraham (Gen. 21:26); or that their behavior has an explanation, such as that of the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh when they built an altar back to their land (Joshua 22:24); but also, that sin against you can be intentional and for some reason that we ignore. In any case, this friendly attitude, faithful and direct, with humility and soft language, is the one that is more likely to win. Maybe at that moment ask for forgiveness and repair the damage.

Therefore, this is an act of charity, for love of your brother you show your fraternal correction, because you are looking for their good and you do it alone and you do not divulge the conversation. If he hears you, he will have won a man for God.

But, perhaps, this great effort made with love, does not give us the desired result. The brother who is asked for explanations may or may not be able to provide them for some reason; or simply, do not admit your mistake. Then we will have to put into practice the rule revealed in the next verse.

We must insist, but this time, taking as witnesses one or two brothers who are present to listen to him. You may be embarrassed and repent in this way. If not, we will have the certainty of having tried again, even if he deliberately refused to make peace when we proposed it.

Finally, if the testimony does not take effect, we must make this matter public by making it known to the congregation of which we are members. If this step does not work either, it is bad will or closure, and we must consider it as a person who has disregarded all Christian principles, and whose life is no better than that of a Gentile or publican. How sad!

All these steps must be taken from the love, the benevolence, the respect and the generosity, which are abundance in the heart of Christ. If we love our brother this must be the way; giving testimony of our behavior; not passing judgment and letting the Word of God act.

Because, if we proceed with selfishness, with a desire for revenge, without respect, with hate or with pride, how will we show the world the love or great generosity of God? We must be his reflection: "Therefore, be imitators of God as beloved children" (Ephesians 5,1)

The Lord Jesus, in all the breadth of his Word, emphasizes a very important issue: the forgiveness of offenses as the only possible way in the life of the believer. Some may ask about the times we should forgive and have mercy on our neighbor; nothing escapes his eyes, nor his control. Here is the answer: "Then Peter came to him and said, Lord, how many times will I forgive my brother who sins against me? Up to seven? Jesus said to him, "I do not tell you until seven, but even up to seventy times seven" (Matthew 18: 21-22).

The repentance of someone who sins, offends, or acts incorrectly is more than enough to forgive. We must always forgive, without limit. This does not mean that we overlook the things that we do wrong and that they break the law, but that we must act with mercy and forgiveness towards our brothers; to do otherwise would resemble the people of the world and not a true disciple of Christ. Therefore, let us not be judges or condemners; but, that we exhort with love: "Do not judge, so that they will not be judged. For with the judgment with which they judge, they will be judged, and with the measure they measure, they will be measured "(Mt. 7: 1-2)

Only God is righteous. He is that infallible Judge; He is the perfect Law without error. Let Him guide us in his infinite love, which he gives us every day so that we give him away.

Only in this way will we be able to enjoy the promised happiness that Christ began by dying for us on the cross. If we obey his commands, we will never again be slaves to the easy: Sin.


"The Righteous Judge, Jesus Christ"; Trust in Him and watch in prayer to be counted worthy of His holy calling: "You judge according to the flesh; I do not judge anyone. But if I judge, my judgment is true; for I am not alone, but I and the Father who sent me "(John 8: 15-16).

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