in #sc-v6 years ago

Many times we meet people and we get carried away by what we see physically and at a certain point we judge them by how they look and that is that we often do not allow ourselves to know people as they really are, we do not know what is in their hearts just we let ourselves be carried away by what is before our eyes.

Society has a prototype of beauty, a status in which you must belong to be accepted, but many times we as Christians let ourselves be carried away by the appearance of people, try to get closer and talk to that most beautiful girl or boy more nice, to one who has a high social status within your congregation.


And is that many times we act as the people of the secular world, looking at the physical and not in the hearts of people and often by that fact make you feel bad to one or several people.

But if you are a child of God, you should not respect people, you should not judge people by what they look like, do not see others who do not have your same social level or because you are a good-looking person, because God did not focus on that kind of thing to love you and accept you. For he always sees the heart and not appearances.

So, dear brothers and sisters, let us not accept people, for if God being God does not do it, who are we to do it? Do not get carried away by what you see, know the people and what is in their hearts, in no way belittle anyone.

1 Samuel 16: 7
"Because Jehovah does not see what man sees; for man looks at what is before their eyes, but Jehovah looks at the heart. "


God does not see the appearance, the exterior, the vision is our heart.

Certainly man looks at the external and judges with the naked eye, but the good news is that God does not look at the outside, but what is inside specifically looks at our heart
Good reflection @opibarker

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