The wind and the waves obey Jesus

in #sc-v5 years ago

Jesus demonstrated his power here on earth performing miracles by healing the sick by opening the sight of the blind by raising the paralytic and even resurrecting the dead and thus proved that He was God.
He performed so many miracles and even paralyzed the sea calming the waves and rebuked the winds

Jesus calms any storm in your life you just have to have faith and believe his word.


In this passage Mark's book shows us how the wind and the waves obey Jesus.

Mark 4: 35-41
35 That day at dusk, he told his disciples:
"Let's cross to the other side."
36 They left the crowd and went with him in the boat where he was. He was also accompanied by other boats. 37 Then a strong storm broke out, and the waves whipped the boat, so much that it was already beginning to flood. 38 Jesus, meanwhile, was in the stern, sleeping on a head, so the disciples woke him up.
-Teacher! They yelled, "don't you mind if we drown?"
39 He got up, rebuked the wind and ordered the sea:
-Silence! Take it easy!
The wind died down and everything was completely calm.
40 "Why are they so afraid?" He said to his disciples. Do you still have no faith?
41 They were frightened and said to each other:
"Who is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?" New International Version


The passage tells us that one night Jesus says goodbye to the people and enters the boat with his disciples but there is a great storm and gusts of winds and the waves were immensely large that beat the boat and flooded and the disciples were afraid and were to call him to intercede and rebuke the wind.

Jesus contrasts fear with faith, and equals fear with lack of faith because in this event he really wants to show that faith means trust in the power of God to face a storm of crisis, a power that is present and active in Jesus because as I said before He proved that he was God and God in Him

In this sense it is understood that God was the author of the universe and was in Jesus and the winds and the sea were subject to Him because he is simply their owner.

The disciples as always immature in the faith had not understood that Jesus slept in the boat simply because it was God and did not understand how the sea and the wind were subject to him immediately that he rebuked them because they were amazed at the stillness that was made when only Jesus He said: "silence to the sea" and rebuked the wind.

Jesus fell asleep in the boat only so that his disciples could trust him in the midst of any storm or crisis.

God is the author of the universe and everything is subject to his will.

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