Surrender to God

in #sc-v6 years ago

A deep sadness has seized the last days your being, you stopped smiling a long time ago, you feel a strong pressure in your chest, a feeling of insecurity for what you are living, you want things to be different, that the problems that you have today the sight did not exist, or that your prayer was answered instantly. But when you do not see anything that you would like to see, you have been the victim of a strong discouragement, of an indescribable depression, of unusual sensations that only fill you with fears and thoughts of defeat, because it seems that everything you see makes you believe that the end is near.


For those moments where everything is against, for those moments where there is a feeling in your being of discomfort because nothing is going well, the only thing you can do is surrender to God, is to recognize that you have no control over all those matters that afflict you, is to recognize that you can not do any more and that no matter how you think of a way to get out of this, you do not find any way.

You know, we all go through identical moments, episodes of our life that only bring us concern about what will happen or the results are not good that are coming, but in the midst of that tsunami of feelings of discomfort for the experience I learned that There comes a time when I simply have to give up, where I simply have to bend my knees and wait for God's favor, because nothing I do, think or want can change things, only God is the only one who can do the miracle what are we waiting for?

Do not think any more about a human solution to your situation, do not give more thought to the matter because the more you give it, the fewer favorable options you have left, instead just SIMPLY GIVE to God.

It is time to bend our knees and wait for God's favor, it is time to recognize that there are things that are no longer under our control, situations in which only the powerful hand of God can make change in our favor, so in those moments of impotence the only thing we can do is simply surrender to God.

And it is that when we surrender to God something wonderful happens, something happens in the spiritual realm. When our whole being bows down to God, when we recognize that we can not do any more, when we recognize our dependence on God, then it is there when the picture begins to change, because we stop trying to give our place to God, and if there is someone that can do amazing things, that is our Almighty God.

Today I want to invite you to SURRENDER before God, today I want to invite you to humbly say to the Lord: "My God, I can not take it anymore, take my place!" And then things will start to change. And sometimes we want to solve things based on our human capacity, we do everything we can to find an answer and we do not find it, we are discouraged to see that we are unable to solve the problems that are presented to us, instead What we should do is stop trying in our own capacities and give that place to God, begin to depend in FAITH on what God wants and can do in our life.

When we totally place our FAITH in God, He honors us and takes his rightful place and makes what we thought destroyed something beautiful, because his plans are always better than ours.

For that reason today I want to invite you with a humble and sincere attitude you can bend your knees in the place you think most convenient and SURRENDER to God, tell him with the most sincere words that can come out of your heart that you can not anymore, that you do not want to try in your abilities, but instead you want Him to take control and do what seems good to you knowing that His will for our life is always perfect.

Surrender today to God and begin to see the results that your powerful hand will begin to create around you, because FAITH in God is the guarantee of good results!
"Finally, let the great power of Christ give you the necessary strength."
Ephesians 6:10 (Translation in current language)

"That's why I value myself,
and I say to myself:
«Put your trust in God.
Yes, put your trust in him! »"
Psalm 27:14 (Translation in current language)


God wants us to love Him first with all our hearts. This means: a total surrender of our spiritual being, that part that really identifies us, that which we have in the very deep; What is deep within us is what we are. If this part is not delivered then everything else will not be delivered either and it will be a screen.

Hebrews 4:16 says: "... let us then come boldly to the throne of his grace to obtain mercy and find grace for the opportune help ..."
We must approach with the heart, with our humiliated spirit, with that part that lies, from which bad thoughts come out, that maquina the evil, with that part we must come first surrendered. That part must submit to God otherwise he will continue in his crimes and sins.

we must trust God by surrendering our all to him because he never fails.

Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life. He will not forsake us if we surrender to him. He loves us and he cares

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