What History Will I Write Today?

in #sc-v6 years ago (edited)

God has given us a new book with new pages where each day we will write our own history, our before, our after. God wants you to write your own story every day, for now I'll go to the kitchen and then continue this story, well while I'm in my kitchen comes inspiration and I love that, hehe, and then comes to my thoughts Yesterday is already today is a new day, a new love, new ideas, new gifts God has for your children, you know that you do not live thinking about the past, leave the past, yesterday has already passed, it is useless, do not waste thinking about what what happened yesterday or how bad it was yesterday, enough is enough, today is a new day, a new opportunity, you may have to forgive to go ahead do it, but do not let anything or anyone stop you in the past, God today makes you free, he wants to see you truly free, God wants you to be free so that you worship him with the fullness that he deserves, you know what? the love of God is wonderful, it is incomparable, no matter what man has done to you, God is with you and he will never leave you and he will never forsake you, he is great, he makes everything possible, nothing is impossible for him so you do not Frustrates in the past, life is beautiful and it is short also enjoy each day as if it were the last one lives happily and flies like the eagle, let the wind pick you up over the circumstances, let yourself be in the arms of your Lord and let the guide you, let him show you, let him reveal to you the plans, the designs, that he has for your life, be obedient, execute every idea that God gives you and trust in him that he will do.


I love the psalmist when he says in Psalm 42: 5-11

5 Why do you fall down, oh my soul,
And are you disturbed inside me?
Wait on God; because I still have to praise him,
My salvation and my God.

6 My God, my soul is crushed in me;
I will remember, therefore, you from the land of the Jordan,
And of the hermonites, from the hill of Mizar.

7 An abyss calls another to the voice of your waterfalls;
All your waves and your waves have passed over me.

8 But in the daytime the LORD will command his mercy,
And at night his song will be with me,
And my prayer to the God of my life.

9 I will say to God: My rock, why have you forgotten me?
Why should I walk in mourning for the oppression of the enemy?

10 As one who wounds my bones, my enemies affront me,
Saying to me every day: Where is your God?

11 Why do you fall down, oh my soul,
And why are you disturbed inside me?
Wait on God; because I still have to praise him,
My salvation and my God.

I have just there in verse 8 is the solution, I like much more verse 8, because sometimes we drown seeing the problem, looking at the past, but we do not see the solution to the matter you know why? because it is not in the past where God wants you to stay, that you cornered or you ponds, he wants you to advance that broken mental paradigms that have been obstacles to your prosperity by applying the formula, the key, that David applied, because if easy, right? David worshiped in the middle of the circumstance, in the night he sang hymns to adore and honor the God of his life, the God of his salvation.

Beloved church, you only have to worship, come before the God of your life and put all your burdens, your worries, those things that you see as impossible, put them in his hands and he who knows how to do all things in a wonderful way you will surprise and you will have an answer and you will have joy and joy in the morning. Why do you fall down, oh my soul, And why are you disturbed inside me?



Only God gives us freedom, the first fruits, love, gives us the ability to go back to the heights of straightening our roads.

We’re free because we’ve received the truth which is Christ in us!

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