in #sc-v6 years ago

The family is one of the most beautiful gifts that God has given us, that is why it is important that there is always unity, harmony, love and respect.


Establish a good home is not easy and more when you walk in the ways of God, because sometimes the family is a stumbling block so that we do not seek God, as it is a great influence for our lives. It is difficult to maintain a harmony when you are the only believer in the house, when we are the only ones who believe and hope in God, it is difficult when our loved ones mock us, question us, and understand nothing of holiness, tithes, miracles, power and much more.

The enemy has been responsible for cooling the love between the brothers, the respect for the parents has been lost, we find mothers head of family who have to fight for their children, absent parents, violent, rebellious children with many empty in their hearts, for They do not know what a family really is, they have never had it.

"Do not rebuke the old man, but exhort him as a father; to the youngest, as to brothers; to the old women, as to mothers; young girls, like sisters, with all purity. But if a widow has children, or grandchildren, they learn first to be pious to their own family, and to reward their parents; because this is what is good and pleasing before God. "

1 Timothy 5: 1-4 (RVR1960).

If we want to have better families, as God commands, we are still on time, seek more the presence of God and nothing wiser than his word to address us, thousands of advice for women, so that we are wise, wise, caring, and leading men , head of household, that provide and seek solutions, not that they are a burden.

"For if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith, and is worse than an unbeliever."

1 Timothy 5: 8 (RVR1960).

Providing not only economic or material reference, there are more important things than that, as being providers of love, faith, patience, security, peace. And all those things we have when we get closer to God and he is the center of our family.


Amen sister mariela, without a doubt the strong fanmilias are built on the love of God, it is he who must build our home.

A good family is mostly built on the love of God,as a Christian we should learn to build our families with love, peace and harmony.

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