in #sc-v6 years ago

"Can I be a Christian without joining a church?", "Yes, it is possible, but it would be like being a student who does not attend school, or a soldier who does not join his army, also as a citizen who does not vote nor pay taxes, or a merchant who has no customers, suddenly, an explorer without a camp, and a sailor on an unmanned ship. Also, a merchant on a lonely island, or a writer without readers, a father without a family, or a player without equipment, even a bee without a hive, do you want to be a Christian like that? "


A Church Without Believers?
And let's consider each other to stimulate love and good

works; not ceasing to assemble, as some are accustomed,

but exhorting you; and all the more, as you see that day is approaching.

See how good and how delicious it is to live together in the brothers

harmony! Hebrews 10: 24,25; Psalm 133: 1

The whole Bible speaks of the importance of meeting. The sons and daughters of God the Creator are a fraternity or community of believers, there is a need for each one to be together with another believer, to be together hearing the sermon on Sunday, or sharing the praises of the cult, enjoying the presence of the Holy Spirit ministering to all. It is possible not to attend services or meetings of the temple or circuit, it is true, but it is not convenient, "everything is lawful but not everything builds," says Sacred Scripture. It is not possible to pretend to replace the content of a service, often fervent, by the sermon from a radio station, or by an evangelical program of television. It is irreplaceable communion with one another, in harmony, with a voice before Him who deserves all the reverence and community worship.


@mariela, as Christians we need to meet, the congregation is a mandate established by God to worship and praise his name.
Thanks for sharing.
God bless you.

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