in #sc-v6 years ago


"For everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved."
Romans 10:13 (New International Version).

Very few people correctly dimension the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross. And when they do not understand it properly, they lose the benefits of salvation and freedom in Christ. Here are some truths about the sacrifice of the Cross:

1.- Jesus made His sacrifice for everyone who believes in Him. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not be lost, but have eternal life." John 3:16 (New International Version). This means that you only need to believe in Jesus to have salvation. It is not necessary to be a person with a long religious career, to have had good communication with God as a child, to have never attended any Church, it is not even a requirement to be a good person or a bad person; so we just have to believe in Jesus and confess to Him our sins in order to be saved and have eternal life. There is no need for human or dead intermediaries to have access to the benefits of the Cross, now Jesus is the only intermediary.

  1. There is no great sin for God. "Come, let's make things clear," says the Lord. Are your sins are like scarlet? They will be white as snow! They are red as crimson? They will be like wool! "Isaiah 1:18 (New International Version). Many people are discouraged in the search for salvation because they think their sin is too great. Or that the guilt he carries will never let him live happy. Which is only a deception of the darkness, being that Jesus gave himself up for all the sins of all men and of all times. No matter what sin we have committed or what guilt we are carrying, all we need to do is believe in Jesus to be forgiven of our sins and free from all guilt.

3.- In Jesus the impossible is possible. "- For men it is impossible - Jesus clarified, staring at them - but for God everything is possible." Matthew 19:26 (New International Version). One of the most common problems in society today is alcoholism and drug addiction. Same that have been ruled as incurable diseases by the World Health Organization, but Jesus every day makes more men and women free of that chain. Jesus heals every day all kinds of diseases and the only price that had to be paid, He paid on the Cross. And the part that touches him who seeks him to be healthy is to believe with all his heart.

4.- Jesus heals all wounds. "Upon him fell the punishment, the price of our peace, and thanks to his wounds we were healed." Isaiah 53: 5 (New International Version). No matter how we have been hurt, everyone who seeks Jesus to be saved receives a new heart. In which you can forgive those who hurt you to finally find peace and rest.

5.- It is never too late to give our lives to Jesus. "For I know very well the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans of well-being and not of calamity, in order to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 (New International Version). No matter how old we are or how many opportunities we have wasted if we dispose our heart, Jesus will give us what we long for. If today you have had a better understanding of the Cross and wish to be free, make this prayer of faith with me:

"God, forgive my sins. Clean my heart I acknowledge that Jesus is the Son of God, who paid for all my sins, who suffered my pains, who paid the price of my peace, and who by His yaga have been healed. Lord Jesus cleanse me with your precious blood, enter my heart and be the Lord of my life. And send your Holy Spirit to be my guide and fill me with power to do your perfect will, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. "

Tips for your new beginning If you have been brave and chose a new beginning, I congratulate you for the best decision you have made in your life. I invite you to look for a Christian congregation where they use the Bible as a basis and recognize the existence of the Holy Spirit and His manifestations.


For our sins to be as white as snow, Repentance is required. It is the precursor to forgiveness of our sins (as rightly stated below point 5).

The perfect book to read for new Christians is the Book of James: Five chapters of instructions on Christian living. :)

Stay blessed.

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