in #sc-v6 years ago

"And it came to pass, when Moses was come down from Mount Sinai with the two tables of the testimony in his hand, as he was going down from the mountain, he did not know that the complexion of his face was shining, after that he had spoken with him."
(Exodus 34:22)


The glory of God was shown in Moses when he came down from Mount Sinai. All the people whom Moses directed witnessed that his face shone. The secret of the intimacy between Moses and God, was that friendly relationship and that continuous communication that they maintained. That brightness was the result of God's presence in the life of Moses. He did not have to brag or show off, simply God exalted him in public because Moses sought him and entered his secret.

A life in the presence of God, will bring as a result that without saying it, others can see, feel and appreciate the glory of God in your life. Your words, actions and behavior will be different. You will not gird yourself, but God will be or act in you. You will be the channel through which lives are blessed. A devotional life with God is indispensable to be used in a great way. If we dedicate time to so many people, matters or things, why not give time and importance to the one who gave you life and has always wanted you to have direct communication with him.

Prayer: Lord, I want to shine. To be a beacon that shines in the dark. I want your presence to saturate and flood my life. As Moses, I long to hear your voice. I want you to call me your friend. Let the world be a witness that I want to live by your side. Feed my soul, I want to experience your glory and when others see me, they can know without me saying that my life is subject to depend on you.

That what makes me special is your light in me.


La intimidad con Dios trae cosas gloriosas a nuestras vidas.Moisés fue testigo de ello en la antiguedad pero Dios sigue haciendo lo mismo porque Él no cambia.
Gracias por compartir.

Moises came to see God face to face so his face shone.

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