in #sc-v6 years ago

It is curious to see how the human being in the midst of his incredulity and self-sufficiency believed that he knows them all and that he has control over everything that is part of his life, and worst of all, is that this feeling of believing a god increases with greater force when it comes to demonstrating it to others in order to leave the precedent of self-control and control over oneself.


How many times, for example, do we know that we are in the wrong place and with the wrong people, and even knowing it, simply by a whim we decided to ignore it and we ended up holding to what we thought we had controlled and that we thought was not going to come out of the hands. That is when we began to reflect on the way we should have done it from the beginning if pride and foolishness had not crossed our path, "if I had gone away in time I would not be involved in this problem, I would not have this pain and suffering. "

It is also our spiritual life, we know that God exists, we know that the enemy exists and even so we often prefer to let ourselves be carried away by our own understanding and ignore the teachings that the Holy Spirit gives us and the alarms that He himself lights up in us so that we do not advance in what leads us to destruction. I explain myself better: there are situations or people around us that instead of edifying us and helping us to advance in the purposes that God established for us from before forming us in the womb of our mother, what they do is interpose, truncate and prevent us from achieving achieve the blessings that God promised us.

It is necessary that we make a spiritual and visual inspection of who or who is influencing us negatively and making decisions about it, because we can not be double minded, we can not follow God and at the same time be patronizing his enemy, accepting proposals that we should not accept and opening doors that we do not have to open.

If we truly love God and wish to do his will, he will give us the discernment we need to identify what is not being a blessing for our lives. We know that God wants to bless us, love us and fill us with his glory; and on the contrary, the enemy only seeks to rob us, kill us and destroy us. The purpose of the thief is to steal and kill and destroy; my purpose is to give them a full and abundant life. John 10:10 (New Living Translation).

It is enough just to look around, who are our friends, from whom we receive advice, to whom or what we listen to, and what we look and do to determine from whom we are "tell me who you are with and I will tell you what is waiting for you", with God we expect an abundant life, with its enemy destruction, choose wisely. Do not think yourself too wise; honor the Lord and turn away from evil. Proverbs 3: 7 (God Speaks Today)

Not everything that looks good is good; the enemy is cunning and most of the time disguises himself as kindness to deceive you, do not let yourself be carried away by your own understanding, listen to the voice of God!


Tell me who you are with and I will tell you who you are, there is a popular saying, we must choose the right people and be very careful to whom we delegate responsibilities of our lives.

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