in #sc-v5 years ago


Greetings to all friends and brothers in Christ.

My new message aims to reflect on the wonderful gifts we have received from God with the sole purpose of building the body of Christ, which is the church.

In Romans 12: 6-8, the word says:

Then, having different gifts, according to the grace given to us, if it is that of prophecy, use according to the measure of faith; or if it is of service, in service; or he who teaches, in teaching; he who exhorts, in the exhortation; the one who distributes, with liberality; the one who presides, with request; He who does mercy, with joy.

In the previous verses, Paul says two things that are important: one, that we be humble, that no one has a higher self-concept than he should have; and the second, that we are all part of a body, members that have different functions. Each has its rightful place and its just reason for being, and none is better than another, even if it is more or less visible; and all these parts come together to form a human being. The wonderful thing about everything is that, besides being male or female, we are the abode of the invisible God who came to transform our lives.

Then, Paul says that in this reality of who we are, the Holy Spirit distributes gifts to each member of the body, and those gifts are not our property, but ministries or gifts that God allows us to exercise to serve others. The word minister is not a title, it is a word that comes from the meaning of a deacon, that is, a servant. Therefore, we have that the Holy Spirit distributed gifts to everyone, and although some have not made him conscious, the same Holy Spirit in his time will reveal how he will use it, and this is not necessarily within the temple, since generally our service It happens outside the church, in our daily life.

Now, after Paul gives us this introduction, he comes to tell us about a phrase that refers to love, and that is that love must be unpretentious. This is very important, because we don't have to appear anything, but rather day by day to show that the character of Christ is forming in us. This has to be formed, because otherwise everything we do for the Lord becomes a dish that is removed, that is, a lot of noise and few results, because people copy what they see instead of what they hear, so Children copy their parents into everything they do.

That is why the first thing in the Christian life is that character, that is what should base our life as Christians. A character molded by the Spirit and by the word, will allow us to gradually recover the image and likeness of God in our lives. This is what Paul in Philippians, when referring to the perfection of the saints, understands that the saints are we, people who have been separated from the underworld, to be part of the world of God. So, perhaps someone's actions are not entirely holy, but God's grace has called us saints.

He has called us and has begun the work of transformation and improvement in our lives; and that is when we can humbly serve God. In God's service we are all equal, but we develop different functions.

In this sense, we must develop in us the skills with which God has endowed us to serve him in his work with much effort and love, in order to effectively build the church of the Lord.

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