F A R A O N: "A serious case with a hardened heart".

in #sc-v6 years ago


Greetings to the whole community.

Share an interesting example of a heart that could lead to the destruction of a person who insists on turning away from God and ignoring the supreme call to salvation.

In the word of God we find the following:

"19 However, I can not let go with my strong hand.20" Extend my hand and hit Egypt with all the wonders I will do in it, and then he will do it. Let you go. "(Ex 3: 19-20)

Pharaoh is probably the best biblical example of a hardened person. Therefore, it offers us a prototype of what happens when someone refuses to accept and, in turn, to the truth of God.

Pharaoh received evidence of God's authority over him (sign signal, sign signal, miracle in miracle) and has not yet been answered. Even when he faced the undeniable evidence of his error, he refused to acknowledge that the Lord was greater than him. In the end, his pride and hardness of heart cost him the life of his firstborn son, his army and almost his kingdom.

We have all wished with obstinacy to have things our way, even when what we do is against the will of God. However, we always say that to God, we can develop, like Pharaoh, a hardened heart that leads to destruction.

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Good reflection @mamidalia, we must always remember that men hardened of heart, they will never find answers to their problems and rebellion every day will be with them

We hope that God will continue to heal our hearts and not harden him at his call. Blessings for you apostle.

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