"Enjoyment is a gift from God"

in #sc-v6 years ago


Greetings to the whole community.

Enjoying daily life and everything that God provides, in large part or little, is a gift from the highest. As King Solomon wrote well:

"Here, then, the good thing that I have seen: that the good thing is to eat and drink, and to enjoy the good of all his work with which he tires under the sun, all the days of his life that God has given him because this is his part, and also to every man to whom God gives wealth and goods, and also gives him the power to eat of them, and take his part, and enjoy his work, this is the gift of God "(Ecclesiastes 5: 18-19).

This passage was written by a man who tried almost everything the world has to offer, and he wrote to inform us that the ability to enjoy what we have is a gift from God. But if we bring them to the world before time, that is, out of time, it will exhaust us instead of giving us joy.

Abraham and Sara made a human error. The fruit of his error was Ishmael. Because he was the son of Abraham, just as Isaac was, God blessed him by making him also a nation (Gen. 17: 15-22).

It is good to know that God loves us so much that, even when we make mistakes, he can draw the value of our error if our heart is right for him. Yes, God blessed Ishmael, but God's promise to Abraham is not that it can never be fulfilled through Ishmael, because Ishmael was the work of Sarah and Abraham, not God.

Like Abraham and Sarah, if we are not careful, we can move to the area where we have something of God's will and something of our own, which does not work.

Ismael can not be heir along with Isaac.

"Jehovah visited Sarah, as he had said, and the Lord did with Sarah what he had said." And Sarah conceived and gave Abraham a son in his old age, at the time God had told him. And Abraham called the name of his son, he was born, who gave birth to him, Isaac "(Genesis 21: 1-3).

Isaac was born at last; and he and Ismael were raised together for three years, but not without certain challenges.

In Genesis 21:10, Sarah told Abraham that Ishmael had to leave, and God confirmed his words in verse 12 by saying: Do not think it is serious for the child and your servant; In all that Sara will say, she hears his voice, because in Isaac you will have offspring.

Ishmael could not inherit with Isaac. The work of the flesh can not have participation in the work of God.

Time always comes when the works of our flesh must experience death or total separation. God wants us to be heirs, not workers. We are heirs of God and heirs of Christ Jesus (Romans 8:17). An heir receives what another worker has worked. The heir does not work to obtain what already belongs to him by inheritance. And if he tried, he would definitely lose joy.

In Genesis 16:12 it says that Ishmael will be a fierce man; his hand will be against everyone, and the hand of all against him ... while the name of Isaac means "laughter." This says it all in reality.

When we do our work in our time and we do not refuse to wait on God, we will have war. When we wait for God's promise, it will always bring us joy. The wait is difficult, but the joy of receiving the prize is worth it. The key is how to enjoy the wait.



@mamadalia, wait on God will always bring joy to our life perhaps the wait becomes a little uncomfortable but in time we will see fulfilled what God has promised us. Thanks for sharing. God bless you.

Interesting. Blessings.

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