in #sc-v5 years ago


Greetings to the whole community.

In truth, many Christians get into trouble because they lack a spirit of discernment. They walk directly into Satan's traps, and do not even know what happened to them. "I do not know where the error was," they can say. But the person with a discerning spirit will immediately say: "This was a trap set by Satan, and that is how I fell into it."

Beloved in the Lord, we must all develop a spirit of discernment, based on a solid relationship with the Lord and the knowledge of good and bad.
We must also teach our children to do the same. The time to teach them to listen and obey God is not when they reach adulthood; You have to instruct them since they are very young. Moses told the Israelites that they should rigorously instruct their children in the commandments of God.

"And these words that I am commanding you today will be over your heart, and you will tell them to your children, and you will speak of them when you are in your house, and when you walk along the road and when you lie down, and when you get up, a sign in your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes, and you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates "(Dt 6: 6-9)


We must know how to distinguish right from wrong, not only in theory but also in practice. In addition, we must ask God to teach us how to apply his truth to our lives, so that we can live in obedience to his Word. That is why Moses commanded us to teach our children the commandments of God throughout the day, not just for half an hour of Sunday school. We have to tell them clearly: "This is the correct behavior, this is the wrong behavior, this is the command of God, these are the consequences of disobeying God." But the teaching of good and evil must not be legalistic obedience to divine norms. What we have to do is to teach our children to love God and make his precepts his own, and always obey the initial indications of his Spirit, to march in harmony with him.

A son completely consecrated to God, who knows how to seek and obey him, will have no difficulty in discerning his will in each situation. That child will quickly understand when the Holy Spirit tells him something is not right; Your consciousness will remain alive and sensitive. This way you will avoid being an easy target of the enemy.



The Word of God was infallibly inspired by the Holy Spirit; That same Spirit enlightens the mind of the believer to understand his word with clarity when he prepares to scrutinize it with the intention of applying it to his life. Many live trying to discern the circumstances of others, but always wandering in how to discern their own situations. How to try to identify the straw in my brother's eye, without first seeing the beam in mine.

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