in #sc-v6 years ago

After Jesus was born in Bethlehem
of Judea, in the time of King Herod, about
Magicians of the East appeared in
Jerusalem saying: "Where is he who has
born, the King of the Jews? Because we have
seen his star in the east and we come to
adore him
Upon hearing this, King Herod became very
worried; then he called some gentlemen
who were called Pontiffs and Scribes (who
they were the ones who knew the scriptures) and they
asked the place of the Messiah's birth,
of the Savior that the Jewish people expected
Since a long time. They will
They answered: "In Bethlehem of Judah; well that's how it is
written by the Prophet:
And you, Bethlehem, land of Judah
in no way are you the least
among the main cities of Judah,
because a boss will come from you
who will be the shepherd of my people Israel ¨.
Then Herod, calling aside the
wizards, sent them to the city of Bethlehem and
He said: "Go and inform yourself very well about that
boy; and when they find it, let me know
that I too will adore him "

The Magi left and the
star they had seen in the east, was going
in front of them until he went to stand
about the place where the child was. Seeing the
star felt a great joy.
They entered the house and saw the child with
Mary his mother. They knelt down and worshiped him.
They opened their treasures and offered gifts:
gold, incense and myrrh. Then, having been
warned in dreams that they did not return to
Herod, (since he wanted to look for the baby Jesus
to kill him), they returned to their country for another

This is the story we read in the
Gospel. Now we will try together to see
everything we can learn from it:



  • The Magi were not Jews, as
    They were José and María. They came from other
    very distant lands (from east: Persia and
    Babylon), but they were following the star
    that showed them the way to find the
    that they had heard that he would be the King of all
  • With the adoration of the Magi,
    God wanted to teach us, that Jesus came to
    save all men, all those of
    different countries and races, and that He would be King
    of all the world.


  • Something special takes the Magi to
    Belen. A star appears in the sky and something
    inside their heart he tells them to go ... and
    docile, obedient to this call, they put
    on my way.


beautiful story of the birth of the King of kings.
Greetings brother @lso8
primer aniversario.png

thanks apostle.........

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