in #sc-v6 years ago


The doctrines of Christ are the rules and instructions that establish his kingdom. The kingdom of God is one with structure and government, but different from the government of the unbelievers in nature and application; where the one who wants recognition will place his life at the service of all (Mat 20:26), where none exercises authority over another (Mat 20:25); where competence is not to exercise authority but to be the first to serve his brothers by applying the doctrines of the Lord (Mat 20:27). The model of this service and government is the Lord himself, who established it not only with words but I confirm it with his works; for "Jesus began to do and to teach" (Acts 1: 1).

Our Lord expects his followers to establish His Kingdom by following his example and applying his doctrines, "for to this you were called; for Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow in his footsteps. "(1Pe 2:21)

His kingdom should be established in praise, not the praise of musical notes, but the true praise. The praise that he receives through our obedience to his word, expressed in our good works. It is the works of Christ in us that make the songs; for it says: "Full of the fruits of righteousness that are through Jesus Christ, glory and praise of God." (Phil 1:11)


If anyone serves me, follow me; and where I am, there will my servant also be ... (John 12:26). Not all those who serve follow him. In the modern church, service to God has gone to the extreme of limiting itself to worship liturgy and liturgical offices, which in themselves do not provide an environment of true service, since it involves climbing ladders and competing for a shift. We have supplanted the service according to Christ on charges that do not provide for a healthy and complete application of Christian doctrines.


To answer this question you must first locate where the Lord is and follow him to serve you; for where he is, we have for sure that his servant will follow him there.


The Lord is where the hungry is, where the thirsty is, where the stranger is, the naked, the sick, the prisoner; and this confirms it by saying: "... and you came to me ..." In other words, we follow him to where he is. The righteous inherit the kingdom as they establish it by serving their brothers. We must place the Lord and serve him according to his doctrines. Otherwise we will give the value of 'service' to what is not service; and we will meet believers lacking substance and Spirit, who love the first chairs and compete with their brothers for positions and titles.

Serving with the same feeling Because, which is greater, who sits at the table, or who serves? Is not he the one who
sit at the table? But I am among you as one who serves. (Luke 22:27)

The one who sits asks according to the letter, but the waiter is the one who serves and satisfies the wishes of both the one who feels like and the chef who is satisfied in preparing his meal. In the same way, Jesus did not come to do his own will but that of the Father, to serve justice written on the tablets of stone and he served God who prepared them, and the people who demanded justice and mercy. Jesus served us the bread of life; He was not among them as the one who cooks or as the one who sits at the table but as the one who serves; issue that the apostles2 executed very well. So also we, serve our brothers with works of justice so that God may be exalted in the humility of service.


God wants followers who can bring the word of God to all corners, and who can give that love that He gives us daily. In @steemchurch we struggle to raise leaders who follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ.
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