in #sc-v5 years ago

Most of the young people are first-class dreamers, many of us have dreams which we hope to fulfill with God's help, but there are so many situations that will be presented to us so that those dreams can not be carried out.
We have to understand that the giver of dreams is God and that everything he has promised will give us in his time.
But unfortunately many today have renounced their dreams for many situations from which the enemy takes advantage and makes them believe that they will never be able to reach it, for that reason this theme is dedicated to all those who one day dreamed big and that the enemy has wanted to undo their dreams.


There are many enemies of our dreams which we have to overcome in order to reach them, otherwise we will never see our dreams fulfilled, among them we have:

Despair: One of the things that will prevent you from reaching your dreams will be despair. Never despair on the contrary, wait for God and he will do. Remember that if God has promised you something you do not have to despair, God has a perfect time in which to work in your life, just stand firm and wait for the right moment.

The comments of others: Maybe many will despise you and will not believe in your dreams. Maybe many will have negative comments towards you, but as a good servant you do not have to pay attention to the negative comments but rather you have to pay full attention to what God is leading you to fulfill your dream.

Sin: The enemy will try by all means to make you fall into sin, he will put so many unimaginable things to steal your dreams. The enemy knows very well that God has great things for you and he will want to prevent these blessings from coming into your life. That is why you have to be firm in the face of the forays of the enemy, because as a roaring lion he goes in search of who to devour.

Ourselves: An enemy that maybe we never see it as such, we are ourselves, since often driven by emotion we make mistakes which deprive us of fulfilling our dreams. We have to stay pure if we want to see our dreams so longed fulfilled. We have to know that each day will be a new struggle against what our flesh will want and what the Spirit wants us to do.


  1. Keep in a daily communion with God: You can never achieve your dreams if you do not maintain a daily communion with Jesus. Depending on the personal relationship you have with God, this will be the results you see in your life.
  2. Fighting for what you love: You can not give up because what you have always dreamed of reaching can be fulfilled if you fight. Paul said we have to fight the good fight. If you love something you will fight to achieve it, you have to love your dreams to be able to reach them.
  3. Ignoring destructive comments: When negative or destructive comments come to your life, you do not have to lend your ear to listen to them, but rather you have to know how to listen to the voice of God telling you that He will be with you all the days of your life until the end of the world.
  4. Never giving up: A person who gives up is a person who does not deserve that their dreams are fulfilled. When you give up you are proving that God has not had enough power to help you fight for your dream. Raise the Name of God on high, never give up because you are more than a conqueror in Christ.

You have to understand that many obstacles will come to your life so that you do not see your dreams fulfilled, but you have to understand that you are a victor with Christ.


Everyone in life has dreams. Some are realistic and achievable, others are not. Some are achieved, others not. Sometimes we dream awake, sometimes, asleep. There are dreams that are born in the heart of God, others in our own hearts and with personal motivations. And those who are born in the heart of God are transmitted to those who are in intimacy with Him and with a specific purpose of God. Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans that I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans of well-being and not of calamity, to give you a future and a hope. (An expected end, the desired dream).
Thanks for sharing @laramrm.

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